@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/10750,作者=“Struik, Laura Louise和Bottorff, Joan L和Baskerville, N Bruce和Oliffe, John和Crichton, Susan”,标题=“通过Crush the Crave App对戒烟支持的开发者和最终用户观点的比较”,期刊=“JMIR Mhealth Uhealth”,年=“2019”,月=“Mar”,日=“07”,卷=“7”,数=“3”,页=“e10750”,关键词=“移动应用;戒烟;烟草控制;年轻的成年人;背景:终端用户的高吸烟率,加上他们的高应用使用率,使这个年龄段的人成为戒烟应用的特别忠实受众。越来越多的证据表明,应用程序是支持终端用户戒烟的有效途径。应用程序设计背后的期望如何与最终用户的需求和偏好保持一致,以及这是否因性别而异,人们知之甚少,这限制了评估和扩展这些干预措施的能力。目的:本定性案例研究的目的是在考虑性别影响的情况下,详细介绍以终端用户为目标的戒烟应用程序Crush The Crave (CTC)的整体设计方法与年轻成年女性和男性的观点和经验的比较。方法:对15名参与CTC开发的开发者和31名年轻的CTC用户进行半结构化访谈。对数据进行归纳分析,得出开发人员和最终用户对CTC的优缺点的看法。 Findings were grouped under 4 categories (1) technology and platforms utilized for the app, (2) foundation of app content, (3) underlying focus of the app, and (4) look, feel and functionality of the app. Results: Under the category, technology and platforms utilized for the app, it was found that both developers and end-users agreed that apps aligned with the needs and preferences of young adult smokers. Major limitations with the technology identified by end-users were the frequent ``glitches'' and requirement for internet or data. For the category, foundation of app content,developers agreed that the strength of CTC was in its strong evidence-base. What mattered to end-users, however, was that the content was packaged positively, focusing on the benefits of quitting versus the consequences of smoking. It was found under the category, underlying focus of the app, that the individually-led focus of the app resonated with both developers and end-users, especially young men. Under the final category, look, feel and functionality of the app, it was found that developers were very positive about the app's aesthetics but end-users thought that the aesthetics incited a negative effect. Also, while end-users found it easy to use, they did not find the app intuitive. Finally, end-users thought that, because the app functions were largely based on a user's quit date versus their ongoing efforts, this often lent to unmeaningful data. Conclusions: The current study findings highlight the importance of understanding multiple perspectives of stakeholders involved in a mobile-based intervention. By gathering the viewpoints of developers and end-users, both problematic and effective approaches that underlie development goals were revealed as a means of informing the development, implementation, and evaluation of future electronic health (eHealth) interventions. ", issn="2291-5222", doi="10.2196/10750", url="https://mhealth.www.mybigtv.com/2019/3/e10750/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/10750", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30843864" }