@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/12160,作者=“刘美山和张,Jian和See, Jovis和Ong,冷颜”,标题=“健康和健康移动应用的可用性挑战:移动健康专家和消费者的混合方法研究”,期刊=“JMIR移动健康Uhealth”,年=“2019”,月=“Jan”,日=“30”,卷=“7”,号=“1”,页=“e12160”,关键词=“移动应用;健康和保健移动应用程序;移动健康应用;健康和保健移动应用程序用户;mHealth用户;健康和保健移动应用内部人士;,摘要=“背景:到2019年,全球预计将有46.8亿手机用户。这一增长伴随着移动应用程序的空前普及,移动应用程序是一种即插即用的产品,旨在以无数方式改善生活。在这种情况下,从2015年到2020年,医疗应用程序的复合年增长率将达到41%,但矛盾的是,普遍的证据表明,这类应用程序的下载量正在下降,与目标终端用户的“粘性”也在下降。目的:由于可用性是健康和健康移动应用程序成功的先决条件,本文旨在通过探索移动健康内部人员和消费者之间的对齐程度,为改善移动健康(mHealth)应用程序的可用性体验提供见解和建议。 Methods: Usability-related major themes were selected from over 20 mHealth app development studies. The list of themes, grouped into 5 categories using the Nielsen usability model, was then used as a framework to identify and classify the responses from mHealth expert (insider) interviews. Responses from the qualitative phase were integrated into some questions for a quantitative consumer survey. Subsequently, categorical data from qualitative mHealth insider interviews and numerical data from a quantitative consumer survey were compared in order to identify common usability themes and areas of divergence. Results: Of the 5 usability attributes described in Nielsen model, Satisfaction ranked as the top attribute for both mHealth insiders and consumers. Satisfaction refers to user likability, comfort, and pleasure. The consumer survey yielded 451 responses. Out of 9 mHealth insiders' top concerns, 5 were similar to those of the consumers. On the other hand, consumers did not grade themes such as Intuitiveness as important, which was deemed vital by mHealth insiders. Other concerns of the consumers include in-app charges and advertisements. Conclusions: This study supports and contributes to the existing pool of mixed-research studies. Strengthening the connectivity between suppliers and users (through the designed research tool) will help increase uptake of mHealth apps. In a holistic manner, this will have a positive overall outcome for the mHealth app ecosystem. ", issn="2291-5222", doi="10.2196/12160", url="http://mhealth.www.mybigtv.com/2019/1/e12160/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/12160", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30698528" }