@Article{信息:doi 10.2196 / /移动医疗。8515,作者=“Litterbach, Eloise-Kate和Russell, Catherine G和Taki, Sarah和denne - wilson, Elizabeth和Campbell, Karen J和Laws, Rachel A”,标题=“影响移动健康计划中婴儿喂养的参与和行为决定因素:成长健康计划的定性评估”,期刊=“JMIR移动健康Uhealth”,年=“2017”,月=“Dec”,日=“18”,卷=“5”,数=“12”,页=“e196”,关键词=“移动健康;父母;个人满足感;行为;婴儿;肥胖;背景:婴儿喂养方法,包括母乳喂养和最佳配方喂养方法,可在预防儿童肥胖方面发挥作用。育龄妇女普遍拥有智能手机,这为通过移动电话提供低成本、覆盖面广的育儿干预措施(移动保健或移动保健干预措施)提供了重要机会。关于父母如何参与针对婴儿喂养的移动健康计划以及这些计划如何影响婴儿喂养实践,人们知之甚少。 Objective: The objectives of this study were to explore participant views on (1) factors influencing engagement with the Growing healthy program, an mHealth program targeting healthy infant feeding practices from birth to 9 months of age, and (2) the ways in which the program influenced behavioral determinants of capability, opportunity, and motivation for breastfeeding and optimal formula feeding behaviors. Methods: Semistructured, telephone interviews were conducted with a purposeful sample (n=24) of mothers participating in the Growing healthy program. Interviews explored participants' views about engagement with the program and its features, and the ways the program influenced determinants of infant feeding behaviors related to breastfeeding and optimal formula feeding. The interview schedule was informed by the Capability, Opportunity, Motivation, and Behavior (COM-B) model. Results: Participants reported that engagement fluctuated depending on need and the degree to which the program was perceived to fit with existing parenting beliefs and values. Participants identified that the credibility of the program source, the user friendly interface, and tailoring of content and push notifications to baby's age and key transition points promoted engagement, whereas technical glitches were reported to reduce engagement. Participants discussed that the program increased confidence in feeding decisions. For breastfeeding mothers, this was achieved by helping them to overcome doubts about breast milk supply, whereas mothers using formula reported feeling more confident to feed to hunger and satiety cues rather than encouraging infants to finish the bottle. Participants discussed that the program provided around-the-clock, readily accessible, nonjudgmental information and support on infant feeding and helped to reinforce information received by health professionals or encouraged them to seek additional help if needed. Participants reflected that their plans for feeding were typically made before joining the program, limiting the potential for the program to influence this aspect of motivation. Rather, the program provided emotional reassurance to continue with current feeding plans. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that engagement with the program was influenced by an interplay between the program features and needs of the user. Participants reported that the program enhanced confidence in feeding decisions by providing a 24/7 accessible, expert, nonjudgmental support for infant feeding that complemented health professional advice. It is likely that interventions need to commence during pregnancy to maximize the impact on breastfeeding intentions and plans. ", issn="2291-5222", doi="10.2196/mhealth.8515", url="http://mhealth.www.mybigtv.com/2017/12/e196/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/mhealth.8515", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29254908" }