@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/27397,作者="Blease, Charlotte和Torous, John和Kharko, Anna和DesRoches, Catherine M和Harcourt, Kendall和O'尼尔,Stephen和Salmi, Liz和Wachenheim, Deborah和H{\"a}gglund, Maria",标题="为心理健康公开笔记的患者和临床医生做准备:国际专家的定性调查",期刊="JMIR Ment Health",年="2021",月="Apr",日="16",卷="8",数="4",页数="e27397",关键词="公开笔记;电子健康记录;的态度;调查;心理健康;精神病学;心理治疗;定性研究;背景:在全球越来越多的国家,临床医生正在与患者分享精神健康记录,包括精神病学和心理治疗记录。目的:本研究的目的是征求专家的意见,提供者政策和病人和临床医生的培训或指导有关的开放笔记在精神卫生保健。 Methods: In August 2020, we conducted a web-based survey of international experts on the practice of sharing mental health notes. Experts were identified as informaticians, clinicians, chief medical information officers, patients, and patient advocates who have extensive research knowledge about or experience of providing access to or having access to mental health notes. This study undertook a qualitative descriptive analysis of experts' written responses and opinions (comments) to open-ended questions on training clinicians, patient guidance, and suggested policy regulations. Results: A total of 70 of 92 (76{\%}) experts from 6 countries responded. We identified four major themes related to opening mental health notes to patients: the need for clarity about provider policies on exemptions, providing patients with basic information about open notes, clinician training in writing mental health notes, and managing patient-clinician disagreement about mental health notes. Conclusions: This study provides timely information on policy and training recommendations derived from a wide range of international experts on how to prepare clinicians and patients for open notes in mental health. The results of this study point to the need for further refinement of exemption policies in relation to sharing mental health notes, guidance for patients, and curricular changes for students and clinicians as well as improvements aimed at enhancing patient and clinician-friendly portal design. ", issn="2368-7959", doi="10.2196/27397", url="https://mental.www.mybigtv.com/2021/4/e27397", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/27397", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/33861202" }