TY -非盟的赫夫纳,Jennifer L AU -丢掉,辛西娅·J AU -沃克,Daniel M AU -韦尔塔蒂莫西·R盟——McAlearney安舍PY - 2017 DA - 2017/09/14 TI -系统范围的住院门户
实现:健康护理小组的调查认知乔-地中海JMIR通知SP - e31六世- 5 - 3 KW -病人门户KW -住院KW -医学信息学KW -病人参与AB -背景:住院患者门户是一种专门为医院环境量身定制的新型患者门户,它允许患者访问最新的健康信息,并与他们的护理团队交换安全通信。因此,住院门户网站为患者提供了一个机会,在强调关注患者健康的严重危机时期,患者可以更多地参与他们的护理。虽然有大量关于门诊病人入口的研究,但也有关于住院病人入口的问题被特别提出,例如在繁忙、压力大、以团队为基础的医院环境中,如何将它们纳入病人护理流程。目的:我们的目的是提高了解医院护理团队成员对入院患者的交互式患者门户的价值的看法,以及确定员工对这项新技术的定位。方法:在2016年的整个过程中,住院患者门户网站MyChart床边(MCB)在五家医院的卫生系统中实施。该门户是一个基于平板电脑的应用程序,包括每日日程安排、实验室/测试结果、与护理团队的安全消息传递、记录笔记的地方以及访问教育材料。在最初推出的一个月内,医院护理团队成员完成了一项5分钟的匿名在线调查,以评估对MCB使用和员工新技术培训的态度和看法。结果:在整个卫生系统中,686名工作人员完成了调查:193名医生(23.6%),439名护士(53.7%),186名支持人员(22.7%)。关于MCB的重要性、对患者使用MCB时的自我效能以及对足够培训和资源的感觉的问题表明,每组中平均有40-60%的受访者对MCB技术和接受的培训表示积极的态度。 This positive orientation was highest among support staff, lower among nurses, and lowest for physicians (all differences by staff role were statistically significant at P<.001). Additionally, 62.0% of respondents reported “not enough” training. Conclusions: Despite the robust training effort, similar to that used in previous health information technology implementations at this health system, hospital care team members reported only a moderately positive orientation toward MCB and its potential, and the majority wanted more training. We propose that due to the unique elements of the inpatient portal—interactive features used by patients and providers requiring explanation and collaboration—traditional training approaches may be insufficient. Introduction of the inpatient portal as a new collaborative tool may thus require new methods of training to support enhanced engagement between patients and their care team. SN - 2291-9694 UR - http://medinform.www.mybigtv.com/2017/3/e31/ UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/medinform.7707 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28912115 DO - 10.2196/medinform.7707 ID - info:doi/10.2196/medinform.7707 ER -