使用基于自然语言处理的虚拟患者模拟器将学习分析应用于临床诊断推理:卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析案例研究%A Furlan,Raffaello %A Gatti,Mauro %A Mene,Roberto %A Shiffer,Dana %A Marchiori,Chiara %A Giaj Levra,Alessandro %A Saturnino,Vincenzo %A Brunetta,Enrico %A Dipaola,Franca +人文大学生物医学学系,4 Via Rita Levi Montalcini,米兰,20090,意大利,39 0282247228,raffaello.furlan@hunimed.eu %K临床诊断推理%K学习分析%K自然语言处理%K虚拟患者模拟器%K医学教育%K医学知识%D 2022 %7 3.3.2022 %9原始论文%J JMIR医学教育%G英语%X背景:虚拟患者模拟器(vps)记录所有用户的操作,从而能够创建学生医学知识的多维表示。这种表示可以用来创建指标,为教师提供有价值的学习信息。目的:本研究的目的是描述我们开发的用于分析医学生临床诊断推理的指标,提供其应用实例,并初步验证这些指标在本科医学生的班级。这些指标是通过一种新颖的VPS嵌入自然语言处理技术获得的数据计算出来的。方法:总共创建了2个临床案例模拟(测试)来测试我们的指标。在每次模拟过程中,学生们一步一步的动作都被记录到程序数据库中进行离线分析。学生的表现被分为七个维度:在给定的临床场景中识别相关信息、病史获取、体格检查、医学检查排序、诊断假设设置、二元分析实现和最终诊断设置。灵敏度(找到相关信息的百分比)和精度(执行正确操作的百分比)指标被计算为每个问题,并合并为谐波平均值(F1),从而获得一个评估学生表现的单一分数。 The 7 metrics were further grouped to reflect the students’ capability to collect and to analyze information to obtain an overall performance score. A methodological score was computed based on the discordance between the diagnostic pathway followed by students and the reference one previously defined by the teacher. In total, 25 students attending the fifth year of the School of Medicine at Humanitas University underwent test 1, which simulated a patient with dyspnea. Test 2 dealt with abdominal pain and was attended by 36 students on a different day. For validation, we assessed the Spearman rank correlation between the performance on these scores and the score obtained by each student in the hematology curricular examination. Results: The mean overall scores were consistent between test 1 (mean 0.59, SD 0.05) and test 2 (mean 0.54, SD 0.12). For each student, the overall performance was achieved through a different contribution in collecting and analyzing information. Methodological scores highlighted discordances between the reference diagnostic pattern previously set by the teacher and the one pursued by the student. No significant correlation was found between the VPS scores and hematology examination scores. Conclusions: Different components of the students’ diagnostic process may be disentangled and quantified by appropriate metrics applied to students’ actions recorded while addressing a virtual case. Such an approach may help teachers provide students with individualized feedback aimed at filling competence drawbacks and methodological inconsistencies. There was no correlation between the hematology curricular examination score and any of the proposed scores as these scores address different aspects of students’ medical knowledge. %M 35238786 %R 10.2196/24372 %U https://mededu.www.mybigtv.com/2022/1/e24372 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/24372 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/35238786