@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/33861,作者=“Karabacak, Mert和Ozkara, Burak Berksu和Ozcan, Zeynep”,标题=“调整网络研讨会的统治:观点”,期刊=“JMIR Med Educ”,年=“2021”,月=“11月”,日=“12”,卷=“7”,数=“4”,页=“e33861”,关键词=“虚拟会议;生本组织;神经科学会议;COVID-19;医学教育;在线研讨会;背景:随着COVID-19融入我们的生活,活动的组织方式发生了变化。2021年5月8日至9日举行的Cerrahpa神经科学日(Cerrahpa{\c{s}}a Neuroscience Days)是受影响的会议之一。以学生为基础的Cerrahpa神经科学学会的年度会议第一次过渡到互联网,并有走向国际的前提。目的:通过这项研究,我们的目标是讨论虚拟会议是如何组织和感知的,以及我们的会议作为一个完全由学生组织的活动在文献中的地位。 Methods: The conference was planned in accordance with virtual standards and promoted to primarily medical schools. During the execution, there were no major issues. The feedback was collected via a form developed with Google Forms. Results: Out of 2195 registrations, 299 qualified to receive a certificate. The feedback forms revealed a general satisfaction; the overall quality of the event was rated an average of 4.6 out of 5, and the ratings of various Likert scale--based questions were statistically analyzed. Open-ended questions provided improvement suggestions for future events. Conclusions: The virtual Cerrahpa{\c{s}}a Neuroscience Days was a success in organization and received positive feedback from the participants. We aim to ground future events on this experience. ", issn="2369-3762", doi="10.2196/33861", url="https://mededu.www.mybigtv.com/2021/4/e33861", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/33861", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/34766916" }