TY - JOUR AU - Christensen, Bente AU - Laydon, Daniel AU - Chelkowski, Tadeusz AU - Jemielniak, Dariusz AU - Vollmer, Michaela AU - Bhatt, Samir AU - Krawczyk, Konrad PY - 2022 DA - 2022/9/20 TI -量化COVID-19爆发导致主流媒体疫苗覆盖率的变化:文本挖掘研究乔——JMIR Infodemiology SP - e35121六世- 2 - 2 KW -数据挖掘千瓦COVID-19 KW -疫苗KW -文本挖掘KW -改变KW -覆盖KW交流KW -媒体KW -社会媒体KW -新闻KW -爆发KW -验收KW -犹豫KW -理解KW -知识KW -情绪AB -背景:通过疫苗接种实现群体免疫取决于公众的接受,后者又依赖于他们对其风险和收益的理解。因此,关于疫苗的公共卫生宣传的基本目标是清楚地传达往往很复杂的信息,并越来越多地打击错误信息。塑造公众理解的主要渠道是主流网络新闻媒体,这些媒体广泛报道了COVID-19疫苗。目的:通过对主流网络新闻头版的文本挖掘分析,量化疫苗覆盖率的数量和情绪极化。方法:我们分析了2015年7月至2021年4月期间来自11个国家172个主要新闻来源的2800万篇文章。我们使用基于关键词的频率分析来估计用于疫苗的文章的总体比例。我们使用BERTopic和命名实体识别进行主题检测,以识别疫苗上下文中提到的主要主题和参与者。我们使用Vader Python模块对所有校对过的英语文章进行情绪极化量化。结果:随着新冠肺炎疫情的爆发,头版文章提及疫苗的比例从0.1%上升到4%。 The number of negatively polarized articles increased from 6698 in 2015-2019 to 28,552 in 2020-2021. However, overall vaccine coverage before the COVID-19 pandemic was slightly negatively polarized (57% negative), whereas coverage during the pandemic was positively polarized (38% negative). Conclusions: Throughout the pandemic, vaccines have risen from a marginal to a widely discussed topic on the front pages of major news outlets. Mainstream online media has been positively polarized toward vaccines, compared with mainly negative prepandemic vaccine news. However, the pandemic was accompanied by an order-of-magnitude increase in vaccine news that, due to low prepandemic frequency, may contribute to a perceived negative sentiment. These results highlight important interactions between the volume of news and overall polarization. To the best of our knowledge, our work is the first systematic text mining study of front-page vaccine news headlines in the context of COVID-19. SN - 2564-1891 UR - https://infodemiology.www.mybigtv.com/2022/2/e35121 UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/35121 DO - 10.2196/35121 ID - info:doi/10.2196/35121 ER -