@Article{info:doi/10.2196/38242,作者=“Marcon, Alessandro R and Wagner, Darren N and Giles, Carly and Isenor, Cynthia”,标题=“新斯科舍省自愿器官捐献立法的网络视角:Facebook群组评论的专题分析”,期刊=“JMIR信息流行病学”,年=“2022”,月=“9”,日=“14”,卷=“2”,数=“2”,页=“e38242”,关键词=“器官捐献;器官移植;被视为同意;假定同意;社交媒体;Facebook;公众的看法;公共政策;背景:加拿大新斯科舍省最近成为北美第一个实施视为同意器官捐赠立法的司法管辖区。改变同意模式是一个更大的省级计划的一个方面,以提高器官和组织捐赠和移植率。 Deemed consent legislation can be controversial among the public, and public participation is integral to the successful implementation of the program. Objective: Social media constitutes key spaces where people express opinions and discuss topics, and social media discourse can influence public perceptions. This project aimed to examine how the public in Nova Scotia responded to legislative changes in Facebook groups. Methods: Using Facebook's search engine, we searched for posts in public Facebook groups using the terms ``deemed consent,'' ``presumed consent,'' ``opt out,'' or ``organ donation'' and ``Nova Scotia,'' appearing from January 1, 2020, to May 1, 2021. The finalized data set included 2337 comments on 26 relevant posts in 12 different public Nova Scotia--based Facebook groups. We conducted thematic and content analyses of the comments to determine how the public responded to the legislative changes and how the participants interacted with one another in the discussions. Results: Our thematic analysis revealed principal themes that supported and critiqued the legislation, raised specific issues, and reflected on the topic from a neutral perspective. Subthemes showed individuals presenting perspectives through a variety of themes, including compassion, anger, frustration, mistrust, and a range of argumentative tactics. The comments included personal narratives, beliefs about the government, altruism, autonomy, misinformation, and reflections on religion and death. Content analysis revealed that Facebook users reacted to popular comments with ``likes'' more than other reactions. Comments with the most reactions included both negative and positive perspectives about the legislation. Personal donation and transplantation success stories, as well as attempts to correct misinformation, were some of the most ``liked'' positive comments. Conclusions: The findings provide key insights into perspectives of individuals from Nova Scotia on deemed consent legislation, as well as organ donation and transplantation broadly. The insights derived from this analysis can contribute to public understanding, policy creation, and public outreach efforts that might occur in other jurisdictions considering the enactment of similar legislation. ", issn="2564-1891", doi="10.2196/38242", url="https://infodemiology.www.mybigtv.com/2022/2/e38242", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/38242" }