杂志文章%@ 2292-9495 %I JMIR出版物评估话题和激励因卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析素背后的人-社会聊天机器人互动:用户体验主题分析%A Ta-Johnson,Vivian P %A Boatfield,Carolynn %A Wang,Xinyu %A DeCero,Esther %A Krupica,Isabel C %A Rasof,Sophie D %A Motzer,Amelie %A Pedryc,Wiktoria M %+心理学系,Lake Forest N Sheridan Road 555, IL, 60045,美国,1 847 735 5258,ta@lakeforest.edu %K社交聊天机器人%K复制%K情感聊天机器人%K人工智能%K主题分析%K人-聊天机器人交互%K聊天机器人%K可用性%K交互%K人为因素%K动机%K话题%K AI %K感知%K使用%D 2022 %7 3.10.2022 %9原创论文%J JMIR Hum factors %G英语%X背景:尽管社交聊天机器人的使用有望随着语言模型和人工智能的改进而增加,但人们对人类与社交聊天机器人交互的动态知之甚少。具体来说,研究人类与社会聊天机器人互动的原因以及讨论的主题的研究非常匮乏。目的:我们试图确定启动与Replika(一个流行的社交聊天机器人)的接触背后的激励因素,以及这些互动中讨论的主题。方法:一个Replika用户的样本完成了一项调查,包括关于他们为什么开始与Replika联系的原因和他们通常讨论的话题的开放式问题。然后使用主题分析来提取关于Replika使用背后的动机因素和与Replika对话中发生的讨论类型的主题和子主题。结果:用户出于兴趣,为了寻求社会支持,为了应对心理和身体健康状况,开始与Replika联系。用户与他们的Replika进行各种各样的讨论话题,包括智力话题、生活和工作、娱乐、心理健康、连接、Replika、时事和其他人。 Conclusions: Given the wide range of motivational factors and discussion topics that were reported, our results imply that multifaceted support can be provided by a single social chatbot. While previous research already established that social chatbots can effectively help address mental and physical health issues, these capabilities have been dispersed across several different social chatbots instead of deriving from a single one. Our results also highlight a motivating factor of human-social chatbot usage that has received less attention than other motivating factors: interest. Users most frequently reported using Replika out of interest and sought to explore its capabilities and learn more about artificial intelligence. Thus, while developers and researchers study human-social chatbot interactions with the efficacy of the social chatbot and its targeted user base in mind, it is equally important to consider how its usage can shape public perceptions and support for social chatbots and artificial agents in general. %M 36190745 %R 10.2196/38876 %U https://humanfactors.www.mybigtv.com/2022/4/e38876 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/38876 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/36190745