%0杂志文章%@ 2292-9495 %I JMIR出版物%V 8% 卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析N 4% P e30767 %T老年男性使用移动健康应用程序监测下尿路症状和坦索罗辛副作用的感受:混合方法研究%A Wang,Elizabeth Y %A Breyer,Benjamin N %A Lee,Austin W %A Rios,Natalie A Oni-Orisan,Akinyemi A Steinman,Michael A A Sim,Ida A Kenfield,Stacey A A Bauer,Scott R +加州大学旧金山分校,550 16街,6楼,1695号,美国加州旧金山,94121,1 4152214810 ext 24322,Scott.Bauer@ucsf.edu %K BPH %K移动健康%K移动健康%K远程健康%K远程医疗%D 2021 %7 24.12.2021 %9原始论文%J JMIR Hum因素%G英文%X背景:移动健康(mHealth)应用程序可以为有下尿路症状(LUTS)的患者提供一种有效的方式,以记录症状和药物副作用,并与他们的临床医生沟通。目的:本研究的目的是探讨患有LUTS的老年男性在使用mHealth应用程序跟踪他们的症状和坦索罗辛副作用后的看法。方法:在一项为期两周的研究之后进行了结构化电话访谈,该研究试点每天使用一款移动应用程序来跟踪患者选择的LUTS和坦索罗辛副作用的严重程度。定量和定性数据被考虑。结果:所有19名(100%)试点研究参与者完成了研究后访谈。大多数男性(n= 13,68%)报告每日问卷长度合适,32% (n=6)报告问卷太短。症状较严重的男性不太可能报告健康观念或自我管理方面的变化;47% (n=9)的男性报告症状意识改善,5% (n=1)的男性根据问卷调整了液体摄入量。 All of the men were willing to share app data with their clinicians. Thematic analysis of qualitative data yielded eight themes: (1) orientation (setting up app, format, symptom selection, and side-effect selection), (2) triggers (routine or habit and symptom timing), (3) daily questionnaire (reporting symptoms, reporting side effects, and tailoring), (4) technology literacy, (5) perceptions (awareness, causation or relevance, data quality, convenience, usefulness, and other apps), (6) self-management, (7) clinician engagement (communication and efficiency), and (8) improvement (reference materials, flexibility, language, management recommendations, and optimize clinician engagement). Conclusions: We assessed the perceptions of men using an mHealth app to monitor and improve management of LUTS and medication side effects. LUTS management may be further optimized by tailoring the mobile app experience to meet patients’ individual needs, such as tracking a greater number of symptoms and integrating the app with clinicians’ visits. mHealth apps are likely a scalable modality to monitor symptoms and improve care of older men with LUTS. Further study is required to determine the best ways to tailor the mobile app and to communicate data to clinicians or incorporate data into the electronical medical record meaningfully. %M 34951599 %R 10.2196/30767 %U https://humanfactors.www.mybigtv.com/2021/4/e30767 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/30767 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/34951599