杂志文章@ JMIR出版物网络逃生室提高大学生对严重精神疾病的认识:卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析随机对照试验% Rodriguez-Ferrer, Jose M % Manzano-Leon安娜%铁角砾岩,阿道夫•J % Aguilar-Parra, Jose M % +教师心理学、阿尔梅里亚大学Carretera萨克拉门托s / n,拉加德圣则阿尔梅里亚,04120年,西班牙,34 950 01 55 aml570@ual.es % K逃离房间% K严重精神障碍% K高等教育% K护理教育% K心理健康% K精神障碍% K严肃游戏% D原始论文7 5.5.2022 % 9 2022% % J JMIR严肃游戏% G英语% X背景:严重精神疾病患者(SMI)由于受到歧视而面临歧视,甚至在卫生保健人员中也是如此。密室密室可以成为一种新颖的教育策略,帮助学生了解和同情重度精神病人,从而减少卫生保健专业学生的耻辱感。目的:本研究旨在探讨无记忆逃脱室对护生重度精神障碍污名化的影响。方法:分为对照组和实验组,分别进行干预前和干预后研究。来自安达卢西亚2所大学的306名学生参与了这项研究。数据通过一份前-后研究问卷收集,包括一份改编版的归因风格问卷和一份关于合作玩耍学习策略动机的问卷。对照组进行了一个没有致敏内容的密室逃生场景,而实验组在重度精神分裂症(SMI)上进行了一个密室逃生场景,两个密室都在一个与精神健康相关的1小时会话中进行。为了回答研究问题,进行了重复测量的2-way方差分析、线性回归和2-way方差分析。 Results: After the intervention, a significant reduction (P<.001) was observed in the experimental group in stigmatizing attitudes compared with the control group, in which no statistically significant changes (P>.05) were observed. In contrast, the linear regression (t195=−22.15; P<.001) showed that there was an inverse relationship between flow and the level of reduced stigma. When controlling for having or not having a close relative, the intervention was also shown to be effective (P<.001) in reducing the stigma displayed, both for people with affected and unaffected relatives. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that the Without Memories escape room can be used as an effective tool to educate and raise awareness about stigmatizing attitudes toward SMI in university students studying health care. Future testing of the effectiveness of educational escape rooms should be designed with new programs through playful strategies of longer duration to evaluate whether they can achieve a greater impact on motivation, acquisition of knowledge, and awareness. In addition, the feasibility of implementing the Without Memories escape room in other careers related to health and community should be investigated. %M 35511232 %R 10.2196/34222 %U https://games.www.mybigtv.com/2022/2/e34222 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/34222 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/35511232