%0期刊文章%@ 2561-326X %I JMIR出版物%V 6% 卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析N 9% P e36714% T比较癌症患者和替代信息寻求者的交易性电子健康素养:混合方法研究A瓦斯克斯,泰勒S . A Bylund,卡尔玛L . A .阿尔珀特,乔丹A .克罗斯,茱莉亚A Le,蒂恩A . Markham,梅里詹妮弗A .泰勒,格林贝瑞B . A Paige,萨曼莎R +佛罗里达大学新闻与传播学院,佛罗里达州盖恩斯维尔体育场路1885号,邮编32608,美国,1 3215370306,tsthelander@ufl.edu %K电子健康知识%K癌症沟通%K癌症患者%K替代寻求者%K基于网络的信息可信度评估%D 2022 %7 28.9.2022 %9原始论文%J JMIR表格Res %G英语%X背景:进入高危年龄组接受癌症诊断的成年人数量正在上升,预计到2050年癌症病例数量将增加近50%。癌症患者在治疗和生存期间给个人和家庭带来了特殊的负担,包括他们如何处理彼此之间的关系。一个支持网络的成员可以扮演的一个角色是代替寻求者,他以非正式的身份代表他人寻求信息。癌症患者和替代寻求者经常使用互联网了解癌症,但他们在技能和策略上的差异很少受到实证关注。目的:本研究旨在调查癌症患者和替代信息寻求者的电子健康素养,包括调查各组如何评估基于网络的癌症信息的可信度。作为第二个目标,我们试图探索癌症患者和替代寻求者之间存在的差异,这些差异与电子健康知识和社会人口背景有关。方法:在2019年10月至2020年1月期间,我们对282名癌症患者(n=185)和代孕者(n=97)进行了一项基于网络的调查。我们使用分级线性回归分析,探索使用事务性电子健康素养工具的癌症患者和替代寻求者在功能、交流、关键和转化电子健康素养方面的差异。 Using a convergent, parallel mixed methods design, we also conducted a thematic content analysis of an open-ended survey response to qualitatively examine how each group evaluates web-based cancer information. Results: eHealth literacy scores did not differ between individuals with cancer and surrogate seekers, even after adjusting for sociodemographic variables. Individuals with cancer and surrogate seekers consider the credibility of web-based cancer information based on its channel (eg, National Institutes of Health). However, in evaluating web-based information, surrogate seekers were more likely than individuals with cancer to consider the presence and quality of scientific references supporting the information. Individuals with cancer were more likely than surrogate seekers to cross-reference other websites and web-based sources to establish consensus. Conclusions: Web-based cancer information accessibility and evaluation procedures differ among individuals with cancer and surrogate seekers and should be considered in future efforts to design web-based cancer education interventions. Future studies may also benefit from more stratified recruitment approaches and account for additional contextual factors to better understand the unique circumstances experienced within this population. %M 36170007 %R 10.2196/36714 %U https://formative.www.mybigtv.com/2022/9/e36714 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/36714 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/36170007