期刊文章%@ 2561-326X %I JMIR出版物%V 6 %N 卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析3 %P公众对COVID-19封锁后使用数字接触追踪工具的看法:情感分析与意见挖掘%A Huang,Zhilian %A Tay,Evonne %A Wee,Dillon %A Guo,Huiling %A Lim,Hannah Yee-Fen %A Chow,Angela %+谭土成医院临床流行病学,新加坡贾兰谭土成11号,新加坡,308433,新加坡,65 63577477Angela_Chow@ttsh.com.sg %K传染病%K情感分析%K意见挖掘%K COVID-19 %K接触者追踪%K公共卫生%K意见%K数据挖掘%K调查%K横断面%D 2022 %7 4.3.2022 %9原始论文%J JMIR表格Res %G英文%X背景:新加坡的国家数字接触者追踪(DCT)工具tracetogether-在一系列措施后,到2020年12月的吸收率超过70%。情绪分析可以帮助决策者在短时间内评估公众对新政策措施实施的情绪,但对DCT工具使用情况的情绪分析研究较少。目的:我们试图了解公众对TraceTogether使用的知识、关注和情绪,以及他们对TraceTogether工具类型的偏好。方法:从2020年7月到2021年2月,我们在新加坡的一家大型公立医院进行了一项横断面调查。共有4097名21-80岁的受访者按性别和4个年龄组按比例抽样。使用自然语言处理工具对开放性回答进行处理和分析。我们手动更正了语言和逻辑错误,并将短语替换为syuzhet情感库中可用的单词,而不改变短语的原始含义。情感得分是通过将短语中所有标记(短语分成更小的单元)的得分相加来计算的。 Stopwords (prepositions and connectors) were removed, followed by implementing the bag-of-words model to calculate the bigram and trigram occurrence in the data set. Demographic and time filters were applied to segment the responses. Results: Respondents’ knowledge of and concerns with TraceTogether changed from a focus on contact tracing and Bluetooth activation in July-August 2020 to QR code scanning and location check-ins in January-February 2021. Younger males had the highest TraceTogether uptake (24/40, 60%), while older females had the lowest uptake (8/34, 24%) in the first half of July 2020. This trend was reversed in mid-October after the announcement on mandatory TraceTogether check-ins at public venues. Although their TraceTogether uptake increased over time, older females continued to have lower sentiment scores. The mean sentiment scores were the lowest in January 2021 when the media reported that data collected by TraceTogether were used for criminal investigations. Smartphone apps were initially preferred over tokens, but the preference for the type of TraceTogether tool equalized over time as tokens became accessible to the whole population. The sentiments on token-related comments became more positive as the preference for tokens increased. Conclusions: The public’s knowledge of and concerns with the use of a mandatory DCT tool varied with the national regulations and public communications over time with the evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic. Effective communications tailored to subpopulations and greater transparency in data handling will help allay public concerns with data misuse and improve trust in the authorities. Having alternative forms of the DCT tool can increase the uptake of and positive sentiments on DCT. %M 35120017 %R 10.2196/33314 %U https://formative.www.mybigtv.com/2022/3/e33314 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/33314 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/35120017