%0杂志文章%@ 2561-326X I JMIR出版物%V 6% N卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析 10% P e35426 %T使用非处方SARS-CoV-2测试的家庭系列测试的可行性,并使用数字智能手机应用程序提供帮助:纵向队列研究%A赫伯特,Carly %A Broach,John %A Heetderks,William %A Qashu,Felicia %A Gibson,Laura %A Pretz,Caitlin %A Woods,Kelsey %A Kheterpal,Vik %A Suvarna,Thejas %A Nowak,Christopher %A Lazar,Peter %A Ayturk,Didem %A Barton,Bruce %A Achenbach,Chad %A Murphy,Robert %A McManus,David %A Soni,Apurv +数字医学项目,马萨诸塞大学陈医学院,55 N Lake Ave,伍斯特,MA, 01655,美国,1 4047180676,carly.herbert@umassmed.edu %K COVID-19 %K SARS-CoV-2 %K快速检测%K mydatahelp智能手机应用程序%K mHealth %K移动健康%K系列自检%K数字健康%K大流行%K自检%D 2022 %7 18.10.2022 %9原始论文%J JMIR表格Res %G英文%X背景:正在进行的SARS-CoV-2大流行需要开发准确、快速和负担得起的诊断方法,以帮助遏制疾病传播、发病率和死亡率。快速抗原检测是扩大SARS-CoV-2检测的重要工具;然而,人们对个人在家使用快速抗原检测以及如何促进用户体验知之甚少。目的:探讨SARS-CoV-2快速抗原检测系列自检的可行性和可接受性,包括辅助需求和自我解释的可靠性。方法:在2021年2月和3月,共有206名拥有智能手机的美国成年人参加了这项单臂可行性研究。所有参与者都被要求在14天内每天在家进行COVID-19自我检测,并使用智能手机应用程序进行检测协助并报告结果。主要结果是对测试时间表的遵守程度、测试和智能手机应用程序体验的可接受性,以及参与者与研究团队对测试结果解释的可靠性。使用描述性统计来报告使用家庭测试和mydatahelp应用程序的可接受性、依从性、总体评分和体验。在不同的社会人口统计学、年龄和教育程度群体中分析了家庭测试的可用性、可接受性、依从性和质量。 Results: Of the 206 enrolled participants, 189 (91.7%) and 159 (77.2%) completed testing and follow-up surveys, respectively. In total, 51.3% (97/189) of study participants were women, the average age was 40.7 years, 34.4% (65/189) were non-White, and 82% (155/189) had a bachelor’s degree or higher. Most (n=133/206, 64.6%) participants showed high testing adherence, meaning they completed over 75% of the assigned tests. Participants’ interpretations of test results demonstrated high agreement (2106/2130, 98.9%) with the study verified results, with a κ score of 0.29 (P<.001). Participants reported high satisfaction with self-testing and the smartphone app, with 98.7% (157/159) reporting that they would recommend the self-test and smartphone app to others. These results were consistent across age, race/ethnicity, and gender. Conclusions: Participants’ high adherence to the recommended testing schedule, significant reliability between participants and study staff’s test interpretation, and the acceptability of the smartphone app and self-test indicate that self-tests for SARS-CoV-2 with a smartphone app for assistance and reporting is a highly feasible testing modality among a diverse population of adults in the United States. %M 36041004 %R 10.2196/35426 %U https://formative.www.mybigtv.com/2022/10/e35426 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/35426 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/36041004