%0期刊文章%@ 2561-326X %I JMIR出版物%V 5% 卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析N 12% P e333331 %T校园吸烟政策和与吸烟相关的推特帖子源自加州公立大学:回顾性研究%A Yang,Joshua S %A Cuomo,Raphael E %A Purushothaman,Vidya %A Nali,Matthew %A Shah,Neal %A Bardier,Cortni %A Obradovich,Nick %A Mackey,Tim %+全球健康项目,加州大学圣地亚哥分校人类学系,邮编0505,La Jolla, CA, 92093,美国,1 9514914161,tkmackey@ucsd.edu %K无烟政策%K社交媒体%K高校%K吸烟%K吸烟%K吸烟政策%K校园政策%K烟草使用%K推特分析%K禁烟%K无烟%K推特%K大学生%K学生%K校园%K健康政策%D 2021 %7 24.12.2021 %9短论文%J JMIR表格Res %G英语%X背景:制定无烟或校园无烟政策的高校数量一直在增加。由于烟草和电子烟产品格局的变化以及对政策实施和执行的不同态度,校园吸烟政策对整体情绪的影响,尤其是在年轻人群体中,更难评估。目的:该研究的目的是通过比较加州大学有或没有校园禁烟政策的推文,回顾性评估校园烟草使用的气候。方法:使用Twitter公共应用程序编程接口,结合Amazon Web services上的云计算服务,收集2015年以来的地理位置Twitter帖子。帖子被过滤出烟草产品和与行为相关的关键词。自2015年以来,共收集了42,877,339个帖子,其中2837个来自加州大学或加州州立大学系统校园,其中758个被人工验证为与吸烟有关。进行卡方检验,以确定无烟校园(加州大学所有校园和加州州立大学富勒顿分校)与非无烟校园之间的推特用户情绪是否存在显著差异。对卡方检验中包含的推文进行了单独的内容分析,以确定校园吸烟政策现状的主要主题。 Results: The percentage of positive sentiment tweets toward tobacco use was higher on campuses without a smoke- or tobacco-free campus policy than on campuses with a smoke- or tobacco-free campus policy (76.7% vs 66.4%, P=.03). Higher positive sentiment on campuses without a smoke- or tobacco-free campus policy may have been driven by general comments about one’s own smoking behavior and comments about smoking as a general behavior. Positive sentiment tweets originating from campuses without a smoke- or tobacco-free policy had greater variation in tweet type, which may have also contributed to differences in sentiment among universities. Conclusions: Our study introduces preliminary data suggesting that campus smoke- and tobacco-free policies are associated with a reduction in positive sentiment toward smoking. However, continued expressions and intentions to smoke and reports of one’s own smoking among Twitter users suggest a need for more research to better understand the dynamics between implementation of smoke- and tobacco-free policies and resulting tobacco behavioral sentiment. %M 34951597 %R 10.2196/33331 %U https://formative.www.mybigtv.com/2021/12/e33331 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/33331 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/34951597