%0期刊文章%@ 2561-326X %I JMIR出版物%V 5% 卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析N 11 %P e24448 %T学术核医学项目的Twitter使用:试验内容分析研究%A Panda,Ananya %A Sharma,Akash %A Dundar,Ayca %A Packard,Ann %A Aase,Lee %A Kotsenas,Amy %A Kendi,Ayse Tuba %+梅奥诊所放射科,200 1st Street SW,罗切斯特,55905,美国,1 612 408 9737,kendi.ayse@mayo.edu %K社交媒体%K推特%K放射学%K核医学%K核放射学%K社交网络%K医学教育%K网络%D 2021 %7 8.11.2021 %9原创论文%J JMIR Form Res %G英语%X背景:人们对社交媒体上核医学(NM)和核辐射(NR)项目的存在缺乏了解。目的:我们的目的是评估美国学术NM/NR项目的Twitter参与度。方法:我们通过学术NM/NR社区测量Twitter参与度,考虑各种NM/NR认证途径。在部门和项目总监级别的NM/NR项目的Twitter存在被识别出来。程序发布的推文与潜在的高收益NM或nrr相关标签进行交叉引用,并以二进制级别进行表格化。我们做了一个简短的调查,以确定学术NM/NR教师使用Twitter的障碍和好处。结果:2019-2020年,美国有88个独特的项目提供了NM/NR认证途径。其中52%(46/88)有Twitter账户,24%(21/88)至少有一个与NM/NR相关的帖子。 Only three radiology departments had unique Twitter accounts for the NM/molecular imaging division. Of the other 103 diagnostic radiology residency programs, only 16% (16/103) had a presence on Twitter and 5% (5/103) had tweets about NM/NR. Only 9% (8/88) of NM/NR program directors were on Twitter, and three program directors tweeted about NM/NR. The survey revealed a lack of clarity and resources around using Twitter, although respondents acknowledged the perceived value of Twitter engagement for attracting younger trainees. Conclusions: Currently, there is minimal Twitter engagement by the academic NM/NR community. The perceived value of Twitter engagement is counterbalanced by identifiable obstacles. Given radiologists’ overall positive views of social media’s usefulness, scant social media engagement by the NM community may represent a missed opportunity. More Twitter engagement and further research by trainees and colleagues should be encouraged, as well as the streamlined use of unique hashtags. %M 34747708 %R 10.2196/24448 %U https://formative.www.mybigtv.com/2021/11/e24448 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/24448 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/34747708