@Article{信息:doi 10.2196 / /造型的。5322,作者=“Kim, Juhee and Mathews, Holly and Cortright, Lindsay M and Zeng, xiaming and Newton, Edward”,标题=“影响低收入孕妇患者门户网站使用的因素:混合方法试点研究”,期刊=“JMIR Formativ Res”,年=“2018”,月=“Mar”,日=“22”,卷=“2”,数=“1”,页=“e6”,关键词=“患者门户网站”;数字鸿沟;怀孕;贫困;健康素养",摘要="背景:患者门户为患者提供个性化和安全的Web访问其医疗信息,并使患者能够在线管理其医疗保健。然而,缺乏关于低收入孕妇患者接受和使用患者门户网站的信息。目的:本形成性研究旨在评估患者门户网站MyChart在改善产前保健和妊娠结局方面的潜力,并确定低收入孕妇使用MyChart的障碍和促进因素。方法:一项混合方法研究是在北卡罗莱纳东部产前诊所登记的18名低收入孕妇中进行的,其中包括低风险和高风险患者。通过查看电子病历收集MyChart的使用情况、患者人口统计信息和妊娠信息。 Health literacy was measured. Reported use and attitudes toward MyChart were collected using a semi-structured interview. Results: Although 39{\%} (7/18) of participants interviewed signed up for MyChart, only 22{\%} (4/18) of them became active users. Another 33{\%} (6/18) had never heard of MyChart or was unsure of how to access it. Users primarily accessed test results and appointment schedules. The main facilitating factors for patient portal use were information and motivation from health care providers and concerns about pregnancy due to a history of miscarriage. Reported barriers were lack of educational resources, lack of care provider encouragement, and technical difficulties possibly exacerbated by low health literacy. Participants also suggested improvements for MyChart, especially the provision of discussion-based support for pregnant women. Conclusions: The one-time verbal introduction of MyChart does not meet current patients' needs. Data reveal the need for more consistent patient education and support programs, tailored to patients' previous pregnancy histories. The clinic also needs to facilitate better provider-patient communication about the importance of MyChart use. ", issn="2561-326X", doi="10.2196/formative.5322", url="http://formative.www.mybigtv.com/2018/1/e6/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/formative.5322", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30684413" }