%0期刊文章%@ 2371-4379 %I JMIR出版物%V 7% 卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析N 1% P e35687% T 1型糖尿病老年人持续血糖监测数据共享:试点干预研究%艾伦,南希% Litchman,米歇尔·L %张伯伦,詹姆斯% Grigorian,欧内斯特·G % Iacob,以利% Berg,辛西娅% +护理学院2000东、南犹他大学盐湖城犹他,84112年,美国,1 801 585 1381,nancy.allen@nurs.utah.edu % K老年人% K 1型糖尿病% K看护者% K CGM % K数据共享手机% D % K原始论文7 16.3.2022 % 9 2022% % J JMIR糖尿病% G英语% X背景:患有1型糖尿病(T1DM)的老年人的家庭成员或朋友(护理伙伴[CPs])经常成为糖尿病护理团队的一员,但他们往往缺乏如何参与预防低血糖和高血糖的知识。持续血糖监测(CGM)可以让糖尿病患者持续地看到他们的血糖水平,并接收预测警报。一款名为Follow的智能手机数据共享应用允许糖尿病患者与他人分享连续的血糖数据,并接收即将发生低血糖或高血糖的预测警报。然而,与CPs共享这种持续的血糖水平数据存在障碍。目的:本研究旨在解决CGM数据共享的障碍。我们的目标是研究在患有T1DM的老年人及其CPs中,与Follow应用程序和名为SHARE plus的数据共享干预一起使用CGM的可行性。SHARE plus包括二元沟通策略、解决问题的策略和行动计划,以促进CGM数据共享。方法:患有T1DM的老年人(n=20)及其CPs (n=20)在基线时接受SHARE +干预。 People with diabetes wore the CGM for 12 weeks while sharing their glucose data using the Follow app with CPs. Feasibility data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Results: The SHARE plus intervention was feasible and was associated with high self-reported satisfaction for people with diabetes and their CPs as well as high adherence to CGM (mean 96%, SD 6.8%). Broad improvements were shown in the diabetes-related quality of life through the use of CGM in people with diabetes and their CPs. Although the majority of people with diabetes (11/20, 55%) were willing to share hyperglycemia data, several chose not to. The majority of people with diabetes (14/20, 70%) were willing to talk about glucose numbers with a CP. Conclusions: Older adults with T1DM and their CPs identified having someone else aware of glucose levels and working together with a partner on diabetes self-management as positive aspects of the use of the SHARE plus intervention. Clinicians can use these results to provide data sharing coaching in older adults and their CPs. %M 35293868 %R 10.2196/35687 %U https://diabetes.www.mybigtv.com/2022/1/e35687 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/35687 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/35293868