杂志文章%@ 2371-4379 %I JMIR出版物%V 7% N 卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析1% P e27486% T利用住院患者入院数据构建适应的糖尿病护理级联:横切片研究%A Ryan,Irene %A Herrick,Cynthia %A Ebeling,Mary F E %A Foraker,Randi %+公共卫生研究所,华盛顿大学,600 S Taylor Ave,圣路易斯,MO, 63110-1035,美国,1 314 747 9212,Ryan.irene3@gmail.com %K糖尿病%K级联护理%K EHR数据%K保健监测%K住院护理%D 2022 %7 25.3.2022 %9原始论文%J JMIR糖尿病%G英文%X背景:糖尿病护理级联的构建是为了在人口水平上评估糖尿病护理,通过确定被诊断并与护理相关的个体的百分比以及他们报告的血糖控制。目的:我们试图利用81633例2型糖尿病患者的电子健康记录(EHR)数据,将级联护理适应于仅住院患者的环境。方法:在这一适应中,与护理的联系被定义为出院后3个月内的糖尿病药物处方,而控制被定义为糖化血红蛋白(HbA1c)低于个人目标水平,因为这些是住院患者中最可靠的捕获项目。我们应用级联模型来评估级联每个阶段的人口统计差异和损失百分比;然后,我们对每个人口统计进行了两样本卡方比例相等检验。基于先前文献的发现,我们假设女性、黑人患者、年轻患者(<45岁)、未投保患者以及生活在经济贫困地区(称为“希望区”)的患者不成比例地没有联系和不受控制。我们还预测,接受住院血糖护理的患者更有可能达到血糖控制。结果:我们发现,在81,633名患者中,28,716名(35.2%)通过药物处方进行护理。 Women and younger patients were slightly less likely to be linked to care than their male and older counterparts, while Black patients (n=19,141, 23.4% of diagnosed population vs n=6741, 23.5% of the linked population) were as proportionately part of the linked population as White patients (n=58,291, 71.4% of diagnosed population vs n=20,402, 71.0% of the linked population). Those living in underserved communities (ie, the Promise Zone) and uninsured patients were slightly overrepresented (n=6789, 8.3% of diagnosed population vs n=2773, 9.7% of the linked population) in the linked population as compared to patients living in wealthier zip codes and those who were insured. Similar patterns were observed among those more likely to reach glycemic control via HbA1c. However, conclusions are limited by the relatively large amount of missing glycemic data. Conclusions: We conclude that inpatient EHR data do not adequately capture the care cascade as defined in the outpatient setting. In particular, missing data in this setting may preclude assessment of glycemic control. Future work should integrate inpatient and outpatient data sources to complete the picture of diabetes care. %M 35333182 %R 10.2196/27486 %U https://diabetes.www.mybigtv.com/2022/1/e27486 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/27486 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/35333182