@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/11177,作者="Sinnenberg, Lauren和Mancheno, Christina和Barg, Frances K和Asch, David A和Rivard, Christy Lee和Horst-Martz, Emma和Buttenheim, Alison和Ungar, Lyle和Merchant, Raina",标题="推特上关于高血压和糖尿病隐喻的内容分析:探索性混合方法研究",期刊="JMIR糖尿病",年="2018",月=" 12月",日="21",卷="3",数="4",页="e11177",关键词="心血管疾病;语言;隐喻;社交媒体;高血压;背景:广泛使用的隐喻有助于公众对健康的理解。之前的工作已经描述了用于描述癌症和艾滋病的隐喻。我们对心血管疾病的隐喻知之甚少。目的:我们研究的目的是描述推特用户在讨论高血压和糖尿病时使用的隐喻。方法:我们过滤了大约100亿条与糖尿病和高血压相关的关键词推文。 We coded a random subset of 5000 tweets for the presence of metaphor and the type of metaphor employed. Results: Among the 5000 tweets, we identified 797 (15.9{\%}) about hypertension or diabetes that employed metaphors. When discussing the development of heart disease, Twitter users described the disease as a journey (n=202), as transmittable (n=116), as an object (n=49), or as being person-like (n=15). In discussing the experience of these diseases, some Twitter users employed war metaphors (n=101). Other users described the challenge to control their disease (n=34), the disease as an agent (n=58), or their bodies as machines (n=205). Conclusions: Metaphors are used frequently by Twitter users in their discussion of hypertension and diabetes. These metaphors can help to guide communication between patients and providers to improve public health. ", issn="2371-4379", doi="10.2196/11177", url="http://diabetes.www.mybigtv.com/2018/4/e11177/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/11177", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30578222" }