JMIR期刊中已发表文献的透明、可复制和开放的科学实践:卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析横断面分析%A Anderson,J Michael %A Niemann,Andrew %A Johnson,Austin L %A Cook,Courtney %A Tritz,Daniel %A Vassar,Matt %+俄克拉荷马州立大学健康科学中心,图尔萨市,74107,美国,1 918 582 1972, %K研究结果可重复性%K数据共享%K发表,开放获取%K dermatology %D 2019 %7 7.11.2019 %9原始论文%J JMIR Dermatol %G English %X可重复性研究是科学进步的基础组成部分,然而,人们对皮肤科文献中可重复性研究的程度知之甚少。目的:本研究旨在通过评估可重复性和透明度研究实践的8项指标来确定皮肤病学期刊文献的质量和透明度。方法:通过实施横断面研究设计,我们对国家医学图书馆目录中皮肤病学期刊的出版物进行了高级搜索。我们的搜索包括2014年1月1日至2018年12月31日之间发表的文章。在生成符合条件的皮肤病学出版物列表后,我们使用Open Access Button、b谷歌Scholar和PubMed搜索全文PDF版本。使用试点测试的谷歌表格,对出版物的可重复性和透明度8个指标进行了分析——材料、数据、分析脚本、方案、预登记、利益冲突声明、资金声明和开放获取。结果:排除后,127项有实证数据的研究纳入我们的分析。某些指标比其他指标报告得更差。 We found that most publications (113, 88.9%) did not provide unmodified, raw data used to make computations, 124 (97.6%) failed to make the complete protocol available, and 126 (99.2%) did not include step-by-step analysis scripts. Conclusions: Our sample of studies published in dermatology journals do not appear to include sufficient detail to be accurately and successfully reproduced in their entirety. Solutions to increase the quality, reproducibility, and transparency of dermatology research are warranted. More robust reporting of key methodological details, open data sharing, and stricter standards journals impose on authors regarding disclosure of study materials might help to better the climate of reproducible research in dermatology. %R 10.2196/16078 %U %U