杂志文章@ 2561- 7605% I JMIR出版物%V 5% N 卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析3% T在养老院和住宅护理设施实施技术素养计划:概念框架A Li,Karen S %A Nagallo,Nathan A McDonald,Erica A Whaley,Colin A Grindrod,Kelly %A Boluk,Karla + Michael G. DeGroote麦克马斯特大学医学院,加拿大ON汉密尔顿Main Street West 1280, L8S 4K1, 1 905 525 9140 ext 22235,colin.whaley@mcmaster.ca %K老年人%K技术%K养老院%K长期护理%K社会联系%K技术普及计划%K退休%K老年人%K文化%K实施%K概念%K框架%K知识翻译%D 2022 %7 19.8.2022 %9原始论文%J JMIR老龄化%G英语%X背景:COVID-19大流行引起了广泛的社会混乱,政府的居家令导致人们更多地通过技术而不是亲自联系。这种转变对住在养老院和养老院的老年居民产生了重大影响,在那里他们可能缺乏保持联系所需的技术素养。来自加拿大安大略省滑铁卢大学的enTECH计算机俱乐部创建了一个知识翻译工具包,通过提供指导和实用技巧来支持有兴趣启动技术素养计划(tlp)的组织。目的:本文旨在通过扩展知识翻译工具包和以人为本的护理框架,提出在养老院和安老院实施tlp的框架。方法:从enTECH知识翻译工具包中提取出与在养老院和住宿护理设施中创建TLP相关的主要概念。以人为本护理框架中的域被修改以适应TLP上下文。从工具包中确定的概念被分为三个框架类别:“结构”、“过程”和“结果”。从知识翻译工具包中提取的信息分为三类,并综合形成基本原则和潜在行动。 Results: All 13 domains from the framework for person-centered care were redefined to shift the focus on TLP implementation, with 7 domains under “structure,” 4 domains under “process,” and 2 domains under “outcome.” Domains in the “structure” category focus on developing an organizational infrastructure to deliver a successful TLP; 10 foundational principles and 25 potential actions were identified for this category. Domains in the “process” category focus on outlining procedures taken by stakeholders involved to ensure a smooth transition from conceptualization into action; 12 foundational principles and 9 potential actions were identified for this category. Domains in the “outcome” category focus on evaluating the TLP to consider making any improvements to better serve the needs of older adults and staff; 6 foundational principles and 6 potential actions were identified for this category. Conclusions: Several domains and their foundational principles and potential actions from the TLP framework were found to be consistent with existing literatures that encourage taking active steps to increase technology literacy in older adults. Although there may be some limitations to the components of the framework with the current state of the pandemic, starting TLPs in the community can yield positive outcomes that will be beneficial to both older adult participants and the organization in the long term. %M 35984689 %R 10.2196/34997 %U https://aging.www.mybigtv.com/2022/3/e34997 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/34997 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/35984689