@文章{info:doi/ 10.21960 /40171,作者=“Hong, Y Alicia和Shen, Kang和Lu,惠兴Kate和Chen,小尹和Gong,杨和Ta Park, Van和Han, Hae-Ra”,标题=“基于社交媒体的美国华裔痴呆患者护理者干预:方案开发”,期刊=“JMIR Aging”,年=“2022”,月=“Sep”,日=“29”,卷=“5”,数=“3”,页=“e40171”,关键词=“老年痴呆症;老年痴呆症;护理人员;华裔美国人;移动医疗干预;移动健康;微信;社交媒体;背景:少数族裔和移民照顾痴呆患者的人经历了很高的心理社会压力和不良健康结果。很少有针对这些弱势群体的文化定制的移动卫生(mHealth)项目。 Objective: This study reports the development of a culturally tailored mHealth program called Wellness Enhancement for Caregivers (WECARE) to improve caregiving skills, reduce distress, and improve the psychosocial well-being of Chinese American family caregivers of persons with dementia. Methods: Community-based user-centered design principles were applied in the program development. First, the structure and curriculum of the WECARE program were crafted based on existing evidence-based interventions for caregivers with input from 4 experts. Second, through working closely with 8 stakeholders, we culturally adapted evidence-based programs into multimedia program components. Lastly, 5 target users tested the initial WECARE program; their experience and feedback were used to further refine the program. Results: The resulting WECARE is a 7-week mHealth program delivered via WeChat, a social media app highly popular in Chinese Americans. By subscribing to the official WECARE account, users can receive 6 interactive multimedia articles pushed to their WeChat accounts each week for 7 weeks. The 7 major themes include (1) facts of dementia and caregiving; (2) the enhancement of caregiving skills; (3) effective communication with health care providers, care partners, and family members; (4) problem-solving skills for caregiving stress management; (5) stress reduction and depression prevention; (6) the practice of self-care and health behaviors; and (7) social support and available resources. Users also have the option of joining group chats for peer support. The WECARE program also includes a back-end database that manages intervention delivery and tracks user engagement. Conclusions: The WECARE program represents one of the first culturally tailored social media--based interventions for Chinese American caregivers of persons with dementia. It demonstrates the use of community-based user-centered design principles in developing an mHealth intervention program in underserved communities. We call for more cultural adaptation and development of mHealth interventions for immigrant and racial/ethnic minority caregivers of persons with dementia. ", issn="2561-7605", doi="10.2196/40171", url="https://aging.www.mybigtv.com/2022/3/e40171", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/40171", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/36173667" }