TY -的AU - Aguirre,帕特丽夏给Ayala AU -科埃略,美琳娜马丁斯AU -里奥斯,丹妮拉盟-马查多,玛丽亚Aparecida安德拉德Moreira AU - Cruvinel,艾格尼丝法蒂玛佩雷拉盟——Cruvinel蒂亚戈PY - 2017 DA - 2017/12/13 TI -评估牙科Caries-Related信息在巴西网站:定性研究乔- J地中海互联网Res SP - e415六世- 19 - 12 KW -龋齿KW -互联网KW -消费者健康信息KW - AB健康教育背景:龋齿是最常见的慢性口腔疾病,影响全球24亿人,平均有2.11颗蛀牙、缺牙或补牙。它在社会和经济上影响患者的生活质量。然而,对大多数人来说,理解龋齿可能很困难,因为它涉及牙齿表面、牙齿生物膜、膳食可发酵碳水化合物以及遗传和行为因素之间的多因素病因。因此,制作针对预防龋齿的患者的教育和咨询的有效材料需要高水平的专业化。在这方面,外行人制作的与龋齿有关的内容及其在互联网上的可用性可能是低质量的信息。目的:本研究的目的是评估巴西网站上龋齿相关信息的可读性和质量。方法:通过b谷歌、Bing、Yahoo!, b百度。这些网站是根据它们在4个搜索引擎中的出现顺序进行排名的。此外,2名独立审查员使用DISCERN问卷和美国医学会杂志(JAMA)基准标准评估了网站的质量。 The readability of the websites was assessed by the Flesch Reading Ease adapted to Brazilian Portuguese (FRE-BP). In addition, the information presented on the websites was categorized as etiology, prevention, and treatment of dental caries. The statistical analysis was performed using Spearman rank correlation coefficient, Mann-Whitney U test, hierarchical clustering analysis by Ward minimum variance method, Kruskal-Wallis test, and post hoc Dunn test. P<.05 was considered significant. Results: The Web contents were considered to be of poor quality by DISCERN (mean 33.48, standard deviation, SD 9.06) and JAMA (mean 1.12, SD 0.97) scores, presenting easy reading levels (FRE-BP: mean 62.93, SD 10.15). The rankings of the websites presented by Google (ρ=−.22, P=.08), Baidu (ρ=−.19, P=.53), Yahoo! (ρ=.22, P=.39), and Bing (ρ=−.36, P=.23) were not correlated with DISCERN scores. Moreover, the quality of websites with health- and nonhealth-related authors was similar (P=.27 for DISCERN and P=.47 for JAMA); however, the pages with a greater variety of dental caries information showed significantly higher quality scores than those with limited contents (P=.009). Conclusions: On the basis of this sample, dental caries-related contents available on Brazilian websites were considered simple, accessible, and of poor quality, independent of their authorship. These findings indicate the need for the development of specific policies focused on the stimulus for the production and publication of Web health information, encouraging dentists to guide their patients in searching for recommended oral health websites. SN - 1438-8871 UR - //www.mybigtv.com/2017/12/e415/ UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.7681 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29237585 DO - 10.2196/jmir.7681 ID - info:doi/10.2196/jmir.7681 ER -