@Article{信息:doi 10.2196 / / jmir。1138,作者=“Fry, Jillian P and Neff, Roni A”,标题=“健康促进与健康行为干预中的定期提示与提醒:系统综述”,期刊=“J Med Internet Res”,年=“2009”,月=“5”,日=“14”,卷=“11”,数=“2”,页=“e16”,关键词=“提示;有限的接触干预;电子健康;背景:使用定期提示的健康行为干预已经利用了技术,如互联网,使信息可以以经济有效的方式发送给参与者。据我们所知,还没有进行过全面的证据审查,专门评估定期传递信息的有效性,以及检查提示信息的特征如何改变旨在提醒人们采取健康行为、保持已经在做的事情、停止不健康行为的项目的有效性。目的:通过系统的文献综述,研究以减肥、体育活动和/或饮食为目标的有限接触干预的有效性,为促进健康提供有关行为改变的定期提示。该综述试图确定这些干预措施的具体特征,这些特征可能与优异的结果有关。方法:于2008年2 - 4月进行电子文献检索。如果使用定期提示作为干预措施或干预措施的组成部分,使用行为或生物学结果测量,并以持续的健康促进行为为目标,则纳入文章。 A rating system was applied to each study to provide a quantitative representation of the quality of the evidence provided by each article. Results: There were 19 articles with a combined sample size of 15,655 that met the inclusion criteria, and 11 studies reported positive findings regarding the utility of periodic prompts. Several articles showed enhanced effectiveness when prompts were frequent and personal contact with a counselor was included. Long-term behavior change and health improvements were not examined by this review because of a lack of long-term follow-up in the literature. Conclusions: In light of promising results of most studies, additional research on limited contact interventions targeting health behaviors including weight loss, physical activity, and/or diet is merited that utilizes rigorous methods including control groups; follow-up data collection; and testing of prompt frequencies, specific intervention components, or prompt characteristics. Future research would be especially valuable if it improves understanding of the most effective types of periodic prompts for fostering long-term behavior change in order to maximize use of this tool in limited contact health promotion programs. Specifically, various types of communication technology should be used and evaluated to expand and refine their use. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/jmir.1138", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2009/2/e16/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.1138", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19632970" }