%0期刊文章%@ 2291-5222 %I JMIR出版物%V 9% 卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析N 1% P 24467 %T自动基于图像的营养应用程序中的人为因素:使用goFOOD Lite应用程序常见错误分析Vasiloglou,Maria F %A van der Horst,Klazine %A Stathopoulou,Thomai %A Jaeggi,Michael P %A Tedde,Giulia S %A Lu,Ya %A Mougiakakou,Stavroula + ARTORG伯尔尼大学生物医学工程研究中心,Murtenstrasse 50,伯尔尼,3008,瑞士,41 6327592,stavroula.mougiakakou@artorg.unibe.ch %K mHealth %K膳食评估%K智能手机%K应用程序%K人为错误%K手机%D 2021 %7 13.1.2021 %9原始论文%J JMIR mHealth Uhealth %G英文%X背景:技术进步使智能手机应用程序(如goFOOD)能够估算营养素。这是一个基于人工智能的智能手机系统,它使用用户捕获的食物图像或视频作为输入,然后将这些图像或视频转换为估计的营养成分。数据的质量高度依赖于用户记录的图像。这可能导致大量数据丢失和质量受损。我们不需要从研究中删除这些数据,而是需要进行深入分析,以探索常见错误,并将其用于进一步改进营养评估自动化应用程序。目的:本研究的目的是分析参与者在使用goFOOD Lite应用程序时所犯的常见错误。goFOOD Lite应用程序是goFOOD的一个版本,用于记录食物,但不向用户提供结果,以改进所提供的说明和应用程序的自动化功能。48名研究参与者接受了goFOOD Lite的面对面指导,并被要求在每天食用每种食物或饮料前记录2张图片(1张记录),在每天食用每种食物或饮料后记录2张图片(1张记录),使用参考卡作为基准标记。对所有因错误而丢弃处理的图片进行分析,记录用户的主要错误。 Results: Of the 468 recordings of nonpackaged food items captured by the app, 60 (12.8%) had to be discarded due to errors in the capturing procedure. The principal problems were as follows: wrong fiducial marker or improper marker use (19 recordings), plate issues such as a noncompatible or nonvisible plate (8 recordings), a combination of various issues (17 recordings), and other reasons such as obstacles (hand) in front of the camera or matching recording pairs (16 recordings). Conclusions: No other study has focused on the principal problems in the use of automatic apps for assessing nutritional intake. This study shows that it is important to provide study participants with detailed instructions if high-quality data are to be obtained. Future developments could focus on making it easier to recognize food on various plates from its color or shape and on exploring alternatives to using fiducial markers. It is also essential for future studies to understand the training needed by the participants as well as to enhance the app’s user-friendliness and to develop automatic image checks based on participant feedback. %M 33439139 %R 10.2196/24467 %U http://mhealth.www.mybigtv.com/2021/1/e24467/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/24467 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/33439139