%0期刊文章%@ 2562-0959 %I JMIR出版物%V 5% 卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析N 2% P e34111% T众包皮肤科医疗费用:分析皮肤病学GoFundMe活动的横断面研究Mark,Erica Sridharan,Mira Florenzo,Brian Schenck,Olivia L %A Noland,Mary-Margaret B %A Barbieri,John S %A Lipoff,Jules B %+弗吉尼亚大学皮肤学系,弗吉尼亚州夏洛茨维尔沃克广场775号,22903,美国,1 19258189733,ejm5we@virginia.edu %K众筹%K众包%K筹款%K GoFundMe %K社交媒体%K医疗费用%K财务负担%K健康权益%D 2022 %7 22.4.2022 %9原创论文%J JMIR Dermatol %G英文%X背景:医疗费用众筹正变得越来越流行。以前的研究很少描述与成功相关的筹资特征和品质。目的:本研究旨在描述和调查与成功的皮肤病筹款人相关的品质。方法:这项针对皮肤病学GoFundMe活动的横断面研究收集了数据,包括人口统计学变量、采用归纳定性方法的主题变量和定量信息。线性回归研究了与成功相关的品质,这些品质是根据控制活动目标时筹集的资金来定义的。使用逻辑回归来检查与非常成功的活动相关的质量,定义为那些提高>1.5倍IQR的活动。P< 0.05有统计学意义。结果:在数据收集时,总共评估了2008年公开可用的运动。 Nonmodifiable factors associated with greater success included male gender, age 20-40 years, and White race. Modifiable factors associated with success included more updates posted to the campaign page, non–self-identity of the campaign creator, mention of a chronic condition, and smiling in campaign profile photographs. Conclusions: Understanding the modifiable factors of medical crowdfunding may inform future campaigns, and nonmodifiable factors may have policy implications for improving health care equity and financing. Crowdfunding for medical disease treatment may have potential implications for medical privacy and exacerbation of existing health care disparities. This study was limited to publicly available GoFundMe campaigns. Potential limitations for this study include intercoder variability, misclassification bias because of the data abstraction process, and prioritization of campaigns based on the proprietary GoFundMe algorithm. %R 10.2196/34111 %U https://derma.www.mybigtv.com/2022/2/e34111 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/34111