TY - JOUR AU - Evans, Rhodri AU - Elwyn, Glyn AU - Edwards, Adrian AU - Watson, Eila AU - Austoker, Joan AU - Grol, Richard PY - 2007 DA - 2007/7/13 TI -面向现场测试患者决策支持技术的模型:一项定性的现场试验研究JO - J Med Internet Res SP - e21 VL - 9is - 3kw -现场试验KW -患者决策支持技术KW -前列腺特异性抗原(PSA) KW -前列腺肿瘤KW -知情选择KW -决策支持技术KW -患者教育KW -患者参与KW -消费者健康信息学KW - Internet AB -背景:现场测试是开发患者决策支持技术(PDSTs)的质量保证标准,正如国际患者决策辅助标准协作组织的共识声明所确定的那样。我们将现场测试纳入到基于网络的前列腺特异性抗原(PDST)的开发中,该抗原被称为prodex,是英国前列腺癌风险管理计划的一部分。目的:本研究的目的是基于prodex的现场测试,为未来的PDSTs现场测试开发一个模型。我们的目标是(1)探索男性对不断发展的prodex原型的反应,(2)评估这些反应对开发过程的影响,以及(3)基于反应及其对开发过程的影响开发一个现场测试pdst的模型。方法:在男性在家中观看了不断发展的prodex原型后,对他们进行半结构化访谈。这些人根据看到的原型被分组。年龄在40到75岁之间的男性是从英国威尔士不同地区的两个家庭诊所招募的。在采访中,这些人被问及他们对普罗索德的看法,既包括对普罗索德的整体看法,也包括对介绍和视频剪辑等特定部分的看法。 Comments and technical issues that arose during the viewings were noted and fed back to the developers in order to produce subsequent prototypes. Results: A total of 27 men were interviewed, in five groups, according to the five prototypes of Prosdex that were developed. The two main themes from the interviews were the responses to the information provided in Prosdex and the responses to specific features of Prosdex. Within these themes, two of the most frequently encountered categories were detail of the information provided and balance between contrasting viewpoints. Criticisms were encountered, particularly with respect to navigation of the site. In addition, we found that participants made little use of the decision-making scale. The introduction of an interactive contents page to prototype 2 was the main change made to Prosdex as a result of the field-testing. Based on our findings, a model for the field-testing of PDSTs was developed, involving an exploratory field-testing stage between the planning stage and the development of the first prototype, and followed by the prototype field-testing stage, leading to the final PDST. Conclusions: In the field-testing of Prosdex, a Web-based prostate-specific antigen PDST, the responses of interviewed men were generally favorable. As a consequence of the responses, an interactive contents page was added to the site. We developed a model for the future field-testing of PDSTs, involving two stages: exploratory field-testing and prototype field-testing. SN - 1438-8871 UR - //www.mybigtv.com/2007/3/e21/ UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.9.3.e21 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17627930 DO - 10.2196/jmir.9.3.e21 ID - info:doi/10.2196/jmir.9.3.e21 ER -