TY -非盟的厨师,罗耶F AU -比林斯,Douglas W非盟- Hersch,丽贝卡•K盟——回来,安妮塔年代AU - Hendrickson, 4月PY - 2007 DA - 2007/6/19 TI -一个基于web的工作场所健康促进计划的现场试验改善饮食习惯,减轻压力,并增加体力活动:随机对照试验乔- J地中海互联网Res SP - e17六世- 9 - 2 KW -网络KW -干预KW -压力KW -饮食KW -活动AB -背景:大多数工作场所都参与某种形式的健康促进规划,旨在改善工人的健康和降低保健费用。虽然这些项目通常是通过研讨会和印刷材料相结合的方式进行的,但工作场所健康促进项目越来越多地通过互联网进行。目的:本研究的目的是评估基于网络的多媒体工作场所健康促进计划的有效性,该计划旨在改善饮食习惯,减轻压力,增加体育锻炼。方法:采用随机对照试验设计,每组进行前测后测比较,将某人力资源公司的419名员工随机分配到基于网络的条件和提供相同主题印刷材料的条件。所有受试者都通过包含多种健康行为和态度的在线问卷在测试前和测试后进行评估。试验周期为3个月。问卷数据分析主要采用协方差分析和t检验。结果:两组的保留率都很好——网络组为85%,打印组为87%。使用网络程序的受试者在健康饮食态度(f1415 = 7.104, P = 0.008)和饮食变化阶段(f1408 = 6.487, P = 0.01)上的表现显著优于印刷组,但在其他五项饮食措施上没有显著的组间差异。 Both groups also showed improvement from pretest to posttest on most dietary measures, as indicated by significant t tests. Within the Web-based group, dosage analyses showed significant effects of the number of times the subject accessed the program on measures of Dietary Self-Efficacy (F2,203 = 5.270, P = .003), Attitudes Toward a Healthful Diet (F2,204 = 2.585, P = .045), and Dietary Stage of Change (F2,200 = 4.627, P = .005). No significant differences were found between the two groups on measures of stress or physical activity, although t tests of pretest-posttest changes indicated that both groups improved on several of these measures. The Web-based group gave significantly higher ratings to the program materials than the print group on all health topics and in their overall evaluation (F1,410 = 9.808, P = .002). Conclusions: The Web-based program was more effective than print materials in producing improvements in the areas of diet and nutrition but was not more effective in reducing stress or increasing physical activity. The higher ratings given to the Web-based program suggest that workers preferred it to the print materials. Both groups showed numerous pretest-posttest improvements in all health topics, although such improvements might be attributable in part to a Hawthorne effect. Results suggest that a multimedia Web-based program can be a promising means of delivering health promotion material to the workforce, particularly in the area of diet and nutrition. SN - 1438-8871 UR - //www.mybigtv.com/2007/2/e17/ UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.9.2.e17 DO - 10.2196/jmir.9.2.e17 ID - info:doi/10.2196/jmir.9.2.e17 ER -