TY - JOUR AU - riveste - beauregard, Marjolaine AU - Fortin, Justine AU - Guo, Connie AU - Cipolletta, Sabrina AU - Sapkota, Ram P AU - Lonergan, Michelle AU - Brunet, Alain PY - 2022 DA - 2022/6/7 TI - COVID-19大流行期间的媒体使用:横断面研究JO - J医学互联网Res SP - e33011 VL - 24 IS - 6kw -媒体使用KW -支持KW -信息寻求行为KW -创伤和应激相关症状KW - COVID-19 KW -媒体KW -信息寻求KW -行为KW -创伤KW -应激KW -症状KW -频率KW -风险KW -窘迫AB -背景:在整个大流行期间,鼓励普通民众利用媒体了解卫生措施,同时与他人保持联系,以获得社会支持。然而,由于文献中的研究结果不一,目前尚不清楚在这种情况下使用介质是否会致病或有益。目的:因此,研究了covid -19相关压力源与使用媒体寻求创伤和压力源相关(TSR)症状信息的频率之间的关系,同时也调查了使用社交媒体寻求支持和创伤周围痛苦与这些变量之间的相互作用。方法:在5913名完成在线调查的成年人样本中测试路径模型。结果:与covid -19相关的应激源数量(β=.25;P<.001)和通过媒体获取信息的程度(β=.24;在双变量比较中,P=.006)与TSR症状严重程度显著相关。发现创伤后痛苦水平与covid -19相关压力源和通过媒体寻求信息,以及通过媒体使用社交媒体寻求支持和信息之间的关联(βCOVID-19压力源:创伤后痛苦量表=。49岁的P <措施; βseeking information: Peritraumatic Distress Inventory=.70, P<.001; βseeking information–seeking support=.04, P<.001). Conclusions: Results suggest that exposure to COVID-19–related stressors and seeking COVID-19–related information through the media are associated with higher levels of peritraumatic distress that, in turn, lead to higher levels of TSR symptoms. Although exposure to the stress of the COVID-19 pandemic may be unavoidable, the frequency of COVID-19–related information consumption through various media should be approached with caution. SN - 1438-8871 UR - //www.mybigtv.com/2022/6/e33011 UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/33011 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/3553703 DO - 10.2196/33011 ID - info:doi/10.2196/33011 ER -