TY - JOUR AU - Rivas Velarde, Minerva AU - Jagoe, Caroline AU - Cuculick, Jessica PY - 2022 DA - 2022/6/9 TI -视频中继解读和克服聋人用户医疗保健障碍:范围审查JO - J医疗互联网Res SP - e32439vl - 24is - 6kw -耳聋KW -残疾KW -无障碍KW -通信KW -视频KW -远程口译KW -医疗保健KW -系统KW -聋人用户KW -手语KW -口译KW -医疗口译KW -手机AB -背景:与正常人相比,失聪者更有可能避开医疗保健提供者,部分原因是缺乏与这些提供者的沟通手段以及缺乏可用的翻译。使用视频远程口译,即电子设备上的摄像机,将聋人患者与保健提供者联系起来,由于其灵活性和与现场手语口译相比具有优势的成本,已迅速扩大。因此,我们需要更多地了解这项技术如何有效地参与并响应其用户的优先级。目的:我们旨在确定在医疗保健环境中使用视频远程口译(VRI)的现有证据,并评估VRI技术是否能使聋人用户克服口译障碍,改善他们与医疗保健人员之间的沟通结果。方法:检索2006年以来7个医学研究数据库(包括MEDLINE、Web of Science、Embase和谷歌Scholar),包括相关文献的参考书目和引文。这些搜索包括英语、西班牙语和法语的文章。研究选择的资格标准包括关于聋人或重听(DHH)手语使用者在医疗保健中或在医疗保健中使用VRI的原创文章。结果:在原鉴定的176篇文章中,阅读文章标题和摘要后被淘汰的有120篇,充分阅读后被淘汰的有41篇。 In total, 15 articles were included in this study: 4 studies were literature reviews, 4 were surveys, 3 were qualitative studies, and 1 was a mixed methods study that combined qualitative and quantitative data, 1 brief communication, 1 quality improvement report, and 1 secondary analysis. In this scoping review, we identified a knowledge gap regarding the quality of interpretation and training in sign language interpretation for health care. It also shows that this area is underresearched, and evidence is scant. All evidence came from high-income countries, which is particularly problematic given that most DHH persons live in low- and middle-income countries. Conclusions: Furthering our understanding of the use of VRI technology is pertinent and relevant. The available literature shows that VRI may enable deaf users to overcome interpretation barriers and can potentially improve communication outcomes between them and health personnel within health care services. For VRI to be acceptable, sign language users require a VRI system supported by devices with large screens and a reliable internet connection, as well as qualified interpreters trained on medical interpretation. SN - 1438-8871 UR - //www.mybigtv.com/2022/6/e32439 UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/32439 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/35679099 DO - 10.2196/32439 ID - info:doi/10.2196/32439 ER -