TY -的盟鑫Meiqi AU -库尔森,尼尔·S AU -江水晶李盟——Sillence伊丽莎白盟——Chidgey Andrew AU - Kwan诺曼Nok人非盟-麦,温妮W S AU -郭金,威廉盟——刘,约瑟夫·德Fai AU - Mo,凤凰工具包汉PY - 2021 DA - 2021/9/16 TI -网络行为干预预防艾滋病毒的利用叙事说服中国男人和男人做爱(呵呵谈判项目):干预发展乔- J地中海互联网Res SP - e22312六世- 23 - 9千瓦叙事说服KW -第一手经验故事KW -在线干预KW -艾滋病毒预防KW -性行为KW -与男性发生性关系的男性AB背景:在有效的抗逆转录病毒治疗的时代,高水平的condomless肛交将继续推动增加艾滋病发病率近年来在与男性发生性关系的男人。有效的行为改变策略促进艾滋病毒预防行为是必要的。叙事说服是一种新颖的健康传播方法,在克服对逆态度信息的抗拒方面已显示出其说服优势。叙事说服在促进健康行为改变方面的功效已被充分证明,但在其应用于艾滋病毒预防方面存在关键的研究空白。目的:在本研究中,我们的目标是:(1)利用叙事说服设计一个基于网络的多阶段干预,以减少香港男男性行为者的无安全套肛交(HeHe Talks项目),并遵循一个系统的开发过程;(2)描述叙述干预的主要组成部分,这些组成部分潜在地决定了其说服力。方法:基于流行病学证据,初步提出减少无安全套肛交的说服性主题和子主题。采用传记叙事访谈法,从当地与不同背景和经历过艾滋病预防相关的男性发生性行为的最大变异样本中引出第一手经验故事;建立了不同类型的角色模型。 Framework analysis was used to aggregate the original quotations from narrators into collective narratives under 6 intervention themes. A dedicated website was finally developed for intervention delivery. Results: A series of video-based intervention messages in biographic narrative format (firsthand experiential stories shared by men who have sex with men) combined with topic-equivalent argumentative messages were produced and programmed into 6 intervention sessions. The 6-week intervention program can be automatically delivered and monitored online. Conclusions: We systematically created a web-based HIV prevention intervention derived from peer-generated stories. Strategies used to enhance the efficacy of the narrative intervention have been discussed within basic communication components. This paper describes the methods and experiences of the rigorous development of a narrative communication intervention for HIV prevention, which enables replication of the intervention in the future. SN - 1438-8871 UR - //www.mybigtv.com/2021/9/e22312 UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/22312 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/34528889 DO - 10.2196/22312 ID - info:doi/10.2196/22312 ER -