TY - JOUR AU - Chivers, Bonnie R AU - Garad, Rhonda M AU - Boyle, Jacqueline A AU - Skouteris, Helen AU - Teede, Helena J AU - Harrison, Cheryce L PY - 2020 DA - 20/9/7 TI - COVID-19期间的围产期窘迫:在线育儿论坛专题分析JO - J医学互联网Res SP - e22002 VL - 22 IS - 9kw -怀孕KW -围产期KW -孕产妇KW - COVID-19 KW -沟通KW -社会支持KW -定性研究KW -心理健康KW -健康信息KW -在线支持KW -专题分析KW -情感分析KW -词频AB -背景:COVID-19全球大流行对整个社会产生了影响,需要迅速实施个人、人群和系统层面的公共卫生应对措施,以遏制和减少感染的传播。围产期(怀孕、分娩和产后)妇女在与自己、子女和其他家庭成员隔离和保持身体距离期间,对健康、安全和风险规避方面的指导有独特和及时的需求。此外,他们是心理压力风险增加的弱势群体,在社会支持剥夺和高风险外部环境的背景下,这种风险可能会加剧。目的:本研究的目的是研究围产期队列的公共话语,以了解未满足的健康信息和支持需求,以及在COVID-19背景下对母亲身份和社会动态的影响。方法:使用澳大利亚一个领先的产前产后妇女在线支持论坛,询问2020年1月27日至5月12日(包括在内)与COVID-19有关的所有帖子。关键搜索词包括“COVID”、“冠状病毒”和“大流行”。进行了三个阶段的分析,包括主题分析、情感分析和词频计算。结果:搜索产生960个帖子,其中831个被纳入我们的分析。 The qualitative thematic analysis demonstrated reasonable understanding, interpretation, and application of relevant restrictions in place, with five emerging themes identified. These were (1) heightened distress related to a high-risk external environment; (2) despair and anticipatory grief due to deprivation of social and family support, and bonding rituals; (3) altered family and support relationships; (4) guilt-tampered happiness; and (5) family future postponed. Sentiment analysis revealed that the content was predominantly negative (very negative: n=537 and moderately negative: n=443 compared to very positive: n=236 and moderately positive: n=340). Negative words were frequently used in the 831 posts with associated derivatives including “worried” (n=165, 19.9%), “risk” (n=143, 17.2%), “anxiety” (n=98, 11.8%), “concerns” (n=74, 8.8%), and “stress” (n=69, 8.3%). Conclusions: Women in the perinatal period are uniquely impacted by the current pandemic. General information on COVID-19 safe behaviors did not meet the particular needs of this cohort. The lack of nuanced and timely information may exacerbate the risk of psychological and psychosocial distress in this vulnerable, high-risk group. State and federal public health departments need to provide a central repository of information that is targeted, consistent, accessible, timely, and reassuring. Compensatory social and emotional support should be considered, using alternative measures to mitigate the risk of mental health disorders in this cohort. SN - 1438-8871 UR - //www.mybigtv.com/2020/9/e22002/ UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/22002 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/32857707 DO - 10.2196/22002 ID - info:doi/10.2196/22002 ER -