TY -的盟van Deursen亚历山大果酱PY - 2020 DA - 2020/8/20 TI -数字不平等大流行期间:定量研究的差异COVID-19-Related互联网使用和结果在一般人群中乔- J地中海互联网Res SP - e20073六世- 22 - 8 KW - COVID-19 KW -数字不平等KW -互联网使用千瓦调查KW -人格KW识字KW -互联网技能KW -信息KW交流AB -背景:世界卫生组织将冠状病毒病(COVID-19)视为威胁全球健康的突发公共事件。在危机期间,公众对基于网络的信息和交流的需求是一个关注的主题。数字不平等研究表明,互联网接入在普通人群中的分布并不均匀。目的:本研究的目的是及时了解不同的人如何使用互联网来满足他们的信息和沟通需求,以及他们在COVID-19大流行期间从互联网使用中获得的成果。我们还试图揭示性别、年龄、个性、健康、文化、教育、经济和社会资源、互联网态度、物质获取、互联网接入和互联网技能在人们参与相应使用后获得互联网结果的重要因素。方法:我们使用基于网络的调查,以吸取在荷兰收集的样本。我们获得了一个包含1733名18岁以上受访者的数据集。结果:男性更有可能参与与covid -19相关的通信使用。年龄与covid -19相关信息的使用呈正相关,与信息和沟通结果负相关。 Agreeableness is negatively related to both outcomes and to information uses. Neuroticism is positively related to both uses and to communication outcomes. Conscientiousness is not related to any of the uses or outcomes. Introversion is negatively related to communication outcomes. Finally, openness relates positively to all information uses and to both outcomes. Physical health has negative relationships with both outcomes. Health perception contributes positively to information uses and both outcomes. Traditional literacy has a positive relationship with information uses and both outcomes. Education has a positive relationship with information and communication uses. Economic and social resources played no roles. Internet attitude is positively related to information uses and outcomes but negatively related to communication uses and outcomes. Material access and internet access contributed to all uses and outcomes. Finally, several of the indicators and outcomes became insignificant after accounting for engagement in internet uses. Conclusions: Digital inequality is a major concern among national and international scholars and policy makers. This contribution aimed to provide a broader understanding in the case of a major health pandemic by using the ongoing COVID-19 crisis as a context for empirical work. Several groups of people were identified as vulnerable, such as older people, less educated people, and people with physical health problems, low literacy levels, or low levels of internet skills. Generally, people who are already relatively advantaged are more likely to use the information and communication opportunities provided by the internet to their benefit in a health pandemic, while less advantaged individuals are less likely to benefit. Therefore, the COVID-19 crisis is also enforcing existing inequalities. SN - 1438-8871 UR - //www.mybigtv.com/2020/8/e20073/ UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/20073 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/32750005 DO - 10.2196/20073 ID - info:doi/10.2196/20073 ER -