TY -的AU -伊斯梅尔,莱拉AU - Materwala,匈奴人盟——Karduck Achim P盟——亚当,阿卜杜勒PY - 2020 DA - 2020/7/7 TI -生物医学保健和健康数据管理系统的需求研究:范围审查乔- J地中海互联网Res SP - e17508六世- 22 - 7 KW -大数据KW -区块链KW -数据分析KW -电子健康KW -电子医疗记录KW -医疗KW -健康信息管理KW -物联网KW -医学研究KW - mHealth AB -背景:在上个世纪,在临床和生物医学研究领域发生的破坏性事件给健康数据管理系统带来了巨大的变化。这是由于医疗领域的一些突破,以及需要将大数据分析和物联网(IoT)纳入实时智能健康信息管理系统。此外,随着时间的推移,对病人护理的要求也在不断发展,使得更准确的预后和诊断成为可能。在本文中,我们讨论了健康数据管理系统的时间演进,并捕获了在一定时期内导致给定系统发展的需求。因此,我们对这些系统提供了见解,并就如何改进这些系统提供了建议和研究方向,以建立更好的医疗保健系统。目的:本研究旨在表明需要一个安全、高效的健康数据管理系统,该系统将允许医生和患者更新分散的医疗记录,并分析医疗数据,以支持更精确的诊断、预后和公共洞察。分析了现有健康数据管理系统的局限性。方法:研究医疗数据管理系统多年来的发展和需求,检索医疗诉讼、卫生法规和法案方面的研究文章和信息。这些材料来自电气和电子工程师学会,计算机协会,爱思唯尔,MEDLINE, PubMed, Scopus和Web of Science数据库。 Results: Health data management systems have undergone a disruptive transformation over the years from paper to computer, web, cloud, IoT, big data analytics, and finally to blockchain. The requirements of a health data management system revealed from the evolving definitions of medical records and their management are (1) medical record data, (2) real-time data access, (3) patient participation, (4) data sharing, (5) data security, (6) patient identity privacy, and (7) public insights. This paper reviewed health data management systems based on these 7 requirements across studies conducted over the years. To our knowledge, this is the first analysis of the temporal evolution of health data management systems giving insights into the system requirements for better health care. Conclusions: There is a need for a comprehensive real-time health data management system that allows physicians, patients, and external users to input their medical and lifestyle data into the system. The incorporation of big data analytics will aid in better prognosis or diagnosis of the diseases and the prediction of diseases. The prediction results will help in the development of an effective prevention plan. SN - 1438-8871 UR - //www.mybigtv.com/2020/7/e17508 UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/17508 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/32348265 DO - 10.2196/17508 ID - info:doi/10.2196/17508 ER -