TY - JOUR AU - Poncette, Akira-Sebastian AU - moch, Lina AU - Spies, Claudia AU - Schmieding, Malte AU - Schiefenhövel, Fridtjof AU - Krampe, Henning AU - Balzer, Felix PY - 2020 DA - 2020/6/19 TI -重症监护病房患者监测的改进:调查研究乔- J地中海互联网Res SP - e19091六世- 22 - 6千瓦-数字医疗KW -病人监控KW - KW -重症监护医学千瓦重症监护室KW -技术创新KW -以用户为中心的KW -可用性KW -在线调查千瓦跨学科的KW -搬运工KW -电子邮件AB -背景:由于人口结构变化,最近,冠状病毒病(COVID-19),现代重症监护病房(ICU)的重要性是显而易见的。ICU的关键组成部分之一是持续监测患者的重要参数。然而,可以减轻icu负担的信息学、信号处理或工程方面的现有进展尚未得到应用。这可能是由于缺乏用户参与研究和发展。目的:本研究的重点是ICU工作人员对当前患者监护的满意度以及他们对未来改进的建议。我们的目的是确定监测中断患者护理的方面,远程监测的显示设备,人工智能(AI)的用例,以及ICU工作人员是否愿意提高他们的数字素养或为改善患者监测做出贡献。我们进一步旨在确定不同专业群体的反应差异。方法:本调查研究于2019年11月至2020年1月对德国某大学医院4个ICU的ICU工作人员进行。通过分析之前对ICU工作人员的定性访谈研究,我们开发了一份基于网络的36项调查问卷,以了解未来患者监测的临床需求。 Statistical analyses of questionnaire results included median values with their bootstrapped 95% confidence intervals, and chi-square tests to compare the distributions of item responses of the professional groups. Results: In total, 86 of the 270 ICU physicians and nurses completed the survey questionnaire. The majority stated they felt confident using the patient monitoring equipment, but that high rates of false-positive alarms and the many sensor cables interrupted patient care. Regarding future improvements, respondents asked for wireless sensors, a reduction in the number of false-positive alarms, and hospital standard operating procedures for alarm management. Responses to the display devices proposed for remote patient monitoring were divided. Most respondents indicated it would be useful for earlier alerting or when they were responsible for multiple wards. AI for ICUs would be useful for early detection of complications and an increased risk of mortality; in addition, the AI could propose guidelines for therapy and diagnostics. Transparency, interoperability, usability, and staff training were essential to promote the use of AI. The majority wanted to learn more about new technologies for the ICU and required more time for learning. Physicians had fewer reservations than nurses about AI-based intelligent alarm management and using mobile phones for remote monitoring. Conclusions: This survey study of ICU staff revealed key improvements for patient monitoring in intensive care medicine. Hospital providers and medical device manufacturers should focus on reducing false alarms, implementing hospital alarm standard operating procedures, introducing wireless sensors, preparing for the use of AI, and enhancing the digital literacy of ICU staff. Our results may contribute to the user-centered transfer of digital technologies into practice to alleviate challenges in intensive care medicine. Trial Registration: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT03514173; https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT03514173 SN - 1438-8871 UR - //www.mybigtv.com/2020/6/e19091/ UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/19091 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/32459655 DO - 10.2196/19091 ID - info:doi/10.2196/19091 ER -