TY - JOUR AU - Renfrew, Melanie Elise AU - Morton, Darren Peter AU - Morton, Jason Kyle AU - Hinze, Jason Scott AU - Beamish, Peter James AU - Przybylko, Geraldine AU - Craig, Bevan Adrian PY - 2020 DA - 2020/1/6 TI -基于网络和移动应用程序的心理健康促进干预比较电子邮件,短信服务和视频会议对健康人群的支持:背景:精神健康障碍的快速增加促使人们呼吁更加重视精神健康促进和初级预防工作。基于网络和移动应用程序的干预提供了一个可扩展的机会。人类支持对这些干预措施的结果的影响所知甚少。目的:本研究旨在比较3种人际支持模式对健康成人队列为期10周、基于网络和移动应用程序、以生活方式为重点的心理健康促进干预的结果(即心理健康、活力、抑郁、焦虑、压力、生活满意度和繁荣)的影响。方法:参与者是通过线上和线下广告相结合的方式自愿招募的。随机、非盲法将受试者按人工支持方式分为3组:第一组(n=201):标准全自动电子邮件(S);第二组(n=202):标准短信加个性化短信(S+pSMS);第3组(n=202):标准加每周视频会议支持(S+VCS),由1名训练有素的主持人主持。参与者通过基于网络的学习管理系统或移动应用程序访问干预,包括调查问卷。调查问卷在干预前和干预后进行管理,包含自我报告的心理健康测量,包括简短健康调查-36的“心理健康”和“活力”子量表,抑郁焦虑和压力量表-21,迪纳生活满意度量表(SWLS)和迪纳繁荣量表。 Results: Of 605 potential participants, 458 (S: n=157, S+pSMS: n=163, and S+VCS: n=138) entered the study by completing registration and the preintervention questionnaire. At post intervention, 320 out of 458 participants (69.9%; S: n=103, S+pSMS: n=114, and S+VCS: n=103) completed the questionnaire. Significant within-group improvements were recorded from pre- to postintervention in all groups and in every outcome measure (P≤.001). No significant between-group differences were observed for outcomes in any measure: mental health (P=.77), vitality (P=.65), depression (P=.93), anxiety (P=.25), stress (P.57), SWLS (P=.65), and Flourishing Scale (P=.99). Adherence was not significantly different between groups for mean videos watched (P=.42) and practical activity engagement (P=.71). Participation in videoconference support sessions (VCSSs) was low; 37 out of 103 (35.9%) participants did not attend any VCSSs, and only 19 out of 103 (18.4%) attended 7 or more out of 10 sessions. Stratification within the S+VCS group revealed that those who attended 7 or more VCSSs experienced significantly greater improvements in the domains of mental health (P=.006; d=0.71), vitality (P=.005; d=0.73), depression (P=.04; d=0.54), and life satisfaction (P=.046; d=0.50) compared with participants who attended less than 7. Conclusions: A Web- and mobile app–based mental health promotion intervention enhanced domains of mental well-being among a healthy cohort, irrespective of human support. Low attendance at VCSSs hindered the ability to make meaningful between-group comparisons. Supplementing the intervention with VCSSs might improve outcomes when attendance is optimized. Trial Registration: Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry (ANZCTR): 12619001009101; http://www.anzctr.org.au/ACTRN12619001009101.aspx SN - 1438-8871 UR - //www.mybigtv.com/2020/1/e15592 UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/15592 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31904578 DO - 10.2196/15592 ID - info:doi/10.2196/15592 ER -