TY -的盟Laranjo莉莉安娜盟——一个,胡安·C盟通Ly盟:“学校没有教导——Arevalo Bazalar,玛丽亚盟——Coiera Enrico PY - 2020 DA - 2020/12/8 TI -移动社交应用的体重管理和体育活动推广:一种试验混合方法研究乔- J地中海互联网Res SP - e19991六世- 22 - 12 KW -移动应用KW -健身追踪KW -锻炼KW -社交KW -体重维护KW -手机AB -背景:智能手机应用程序、健身追踪器和在线社交网络在体重管理和体育活动干预方面显示出了前景。然而,在确定最有效和最吸引人的干预措施和用户首选的干预措施特征方面存在知识缺口。这项为期6个月的试点研究是在一个连接到无线体重和活动跟踪设备的社交网络移动应用程序上进行的,主要目的有两个:评估来自不同BMI类别的用户的BMI、体重和体育活动水平的变化,评估用户对干预的看法,特别是在社交比较和自动自我监测和反馈功能方面。方法:这是一项混合方法研究,包括单臂,前后准实验试点,干预后访谈和焦点小组。健康的年轻人使用社交网络移动应用程序干预6个月,该应用程序集成了无线跟踪设备(体重秤和身体活动跟踪器)。采用t检验、Wilcoxon和秩、Wilcoxon符号秩和卡方检验分别分析体重不足、正常和超重、肥胖两组bmi的定量结果。采用线性混合效应分析研究参与者每周BMI的变化。访谈和焦点小组采用主题分析法进行归纳分析。结果:总共招募了55名参与者(平均年龄23.6岁,SD 4.6岁; 28 women) and 45 returned for the final session (n=45, 82% retention rate). There were no differences in BMI from baseline to postintervention (6 months) and between the 2 BMI groups. However, at 4 weeks, participants’ BMI decreased by 0.34 kg/m2 (P<.001), with a loss of 0.86 kg/m2 in the overweight-obese group (P=.01). Participants in the overweight-obese group used the app significantly less compared with individuals in the underweight-normal BMI group, as they mentioned negative feelings and demotivation from social comparison, particularly from upward comparison with fitter people. Participants in the underweight-normal BMI group were avid users of the app’s self-monitoring and feedback (P=.02) and social (P=.04) features compared with those in the overweight-obese group, and they significantly increased their daily step count over the 6-month study duration by an average of 2292 steps (95% CI 898-3370; P<.001). Most participants mentioned a desire for a more personalized intervention. Conclusions: This study shows the effects of different interventions on participants from higher and lower BMI groups and different perspectives regarding the intervention, particularly with respect to its social features. Participants in the overweight-obese group did not sustain a short-term decrease in their BMI and mentioned negative emotions from app use, while participants in the underweight-normal BMI group used the app more frequently and significantly increased their daily step count. These differences highlight the importance of intervention personalization. Future research should explore the role of personalized features to help overcome personal barriers and better match individual preferences and needs. SN - 1438-8871 UR - //www.mybigtv.com/2020/12/e19991/ UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/19991 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/33289670 DO - 10.2196/19991 ID - info:doi/10.2196/19991 ER -