TY -的盟Chouvarda Ioanna盟——Maramis Christos盟——Livitckaia克里斯蒂娜盟——Trajkovik弗拉基米尔•AU - Burmaoglu Serhat盟——Belani Hrvoje AU -库尔,简非盟- Lewandowski,罗马PY - 2019 DA - 2019/09/03 TI -连接卫生服务:框架的影响评估乔- J地中海互联网Res SP - e14005六世- 21 - 9千瓦连接健康KW -健康影响评估KW -框架KW -结果评估KW -推动者和壁垒AB -背景:互联健康作为一种新模式,通过利用各种技术,以整体方式管理个人和社区健康,并有可能将远程保健和综合护理服务结合起来,涵盖针对健康主体和慢性病患者的所有健康相关服务。围绕个人或公民的服务重组预计将在医疗保健领域产生重大影响。有一系列的问题(例如,影响护理模式影响的环境因素,与卫生解决方案相关的成本节约,卫生生态系统的可持续性)应该更好地解决,以使卫生技术更成功地接触利益相关者。总的来说,有必要有效地建立对CH影响概念的理解。由于基于卫生技术的服务超出了医疗设备或医疗的标准临床干预和评估,因此在研究卫生影响时,需要标准化和新的测量和评估方法。目的:本研究旨在引入卫生服务影响框架(CHIF),作为评估卫生服务影响的一种方法。方法:本研究侧重于卫生保健的子集,包括直接针对患者和公民的疾病或健康管理服务。CHIF是通过多步骤程序和各种活动制定的。这些措施包括,作为最初的步骤,文献综述和研讨会,重点是围绕CH概念的知识启发。 Then followed the development of the initial version of the framework, refining of the framework with the experts as a result of the second workshop, and, finally, composition and deployment of a questionnaire for preliminary feedback from early-stage researchers in the relevant domains. Results: The framework contributes to a better understanding of what is CH impact and analyzes the factors toward achieving it. CHIF elaborates on how to assess impact in CH services. These aspects can contribute to an impact-aware design of CH services. It can also contribute to a comparison of CH services and further knowledge of the domain. The CHIF is based on 4 concepts, including CH system and service outline, CH system end users, CH outcomes, and factors toward achieving CH impact. The framework is visualized as an ontological model. Conclusions: The CHIF is an initial step toward identifying methodologies to objectively measure CH impact while recognizing its multiple dimensions and scales. SN - 1438-8871 UR - //www.mybigtv.com/2019/9/e14005/ UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/14005 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31482857 DO - 10.2196/14005 ID - info:doi/10.2196/14005 ER -