TY - JOUR AU - Abuelezam, Nadia N AU - Reshef, Yakir A AU - Novak, David AU - Grad, Yonatan Hagai AU - Seage III, George R AU - Mayer, Kenneth AU - Lipsitch, Marc PY - 2019 DA - 2019/09/12 TI -美国七个大都市地区地理社交网络移动应用程序中男性与男性发生性关系的互动模式:观察性研究背景:美国年轻黑人男男性行为者(MSM)的性网络结构和伴侣关系特征可能是其感染HIV的高危因素之一。分类混合,指的是个体倾向于从自己的群体中找到伴侣,已经被提出作为对差异的潜在解释。目的:本研究的目的是确定美国七个大都市地区不同地理社交网络移动应用程序用户的年龄和种族相关搜索模式,以了解MSM社区性传播感染和艾滋病毒风险的差异。方法:收集2015年11月至2016年5月的用户行为数据。研究人员收集了与该应用程序上的行为有关的数据,这些数据来自于在研究期间至少用一个搜索参数缩小了默认值,或使用该应用程序发送至少一条私人聊天信息,并使用该应用程序至少一次的男性。Newman选型系数(R)是根据研究数据计算的,以了解不同种族男性的选型模式。Pearson相关系数用于评估年龄的分类模式。热图用于可视化按年龄、种族或年龄和种族划分的搜索者和候选人特征之间的关系。结果:从2015年11月到2016年5月,122,417名搜索者在所有七个大都市地区进行了2,989,737次搜索。 Assortativity by age was important for looking at the profiles of candidates with correlation coefficients ranging from 0.284 (Birmingham) to 0.523 (San Francisco). Men tended to look at the profiles of candidates that matched their race in a highly assortative manner with R ranging from 0.310 (Birmingham) to 0.566 (Los Angeles). For the initiation of chats, race appeared to be slightly assortative for some groups with R ranging from 0.023 (Birmingham) to 0.305 (Los Angeles). Asian searchers were most assortative in initiating chats with Asian candidates in Boston, Los Angeles, New York, and San Francisco. In Birmingham and Tampa, searchers from all races tended to initiate chats with black candidates. Conclusions: Our results indicate that the age preferences of MSM are relatively consistent across cities, that is, younger MSM are more likely to be chatted with and have their profiles viewed compared with older MSM, but the patterns of racial mixing are more variable. Although some generalizations can be made regarding Web-based behaviors across all cities, city-specific usage patterns and trends should be analyzed to create targeted and localized interventions that may make the most difference in the lives of MSM in these areas. SN - 1438-8871 UR - //www.mybigtv.com/2019/9/e13766/ UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/13766 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31516124 DO - 10.2196/13766 ID - info:doi/10.2196/13766 ER -