y - JOUR AU - Asbjørnsen, Rikke Aune AU - Smedsrød, Mirjam Lien AU - Solberg Nes, Lise AU - Wentzel, Jobke AU - Varsi, Cecilie AU - Hjelmesæth, Jøran AU - van Gemert-Pijnen, Julia EWC PY - 2019 DA - 2019/06/21 TI -说服系统设计原则和行为改变技术:电子健康干预支持减肥维持的动机和依从性背景:减肥后保持体重是一项重大的健康挑战,而电子健康(电子健康)解决方案可能是应对这一挑战的一种方式。行为改变技术(bct)和说服系统设计(PSD)原则在电子健康发展中的应用可能有助于设计积极影响行为和动机的技术,以支持所需的可持续健康行为改变。目的:本综述旨在确定bct和PSD原则在电子健康干预中用于支持减肥和减肥维持,以及用于刺激长期减肥维持的动机和依从性的技术和原则。方法:系统检索2007年1月1日至2018年6月30日PsycINFO、Ovid MEDLINE(包括PubMed)、EMBASE、Scopus、Web of Science、AMED等数据库的文献。应用了Arksey和O 'Malley的范围审查方法。如果电子卫生干预措施的重点是减肥或维持减肥,并结合动机或坚持和行为改变,则包括电子卫生干预措施的出版物。结果:共检索到317篇文献,其中45篇符合纳入标准。在这45篇论文中,11篇(24%)聚焦于减肥的维持,34篇(76%)聚焦于减肥。手机是最常用的技术(28/45,62%)。 Frequently used wearables were activity trackers (14/45, 31%), as well as other monitoring technologies such as wireless or digital scales (8/45, 18%). All included publications were anchored in behavior change theories. Feedback and monitoring and goals and planning were core behavior change technique clusters applied in the majority of included publications. Social support and associations through prompts and cues to support and maintain new habits were more frequently used in weight loss maintenance than weight loss interventions. In both types of interventions, frequently applied persuasive principles were self-monitoring, goal setting, and feedback. Tailoring, reminders, personalization, and rewards were additional principles frequently applied in weight loss maintenance interventions. Results did not reveal an ideal combination of techniques or principles to stimulate motivation, adherence, and weight loss maintenance. However, the most frequently mentioned individual techniques and principles applied to stimulate motivation were, personalization, simulation, praise, and feedback, whereas associations were frequently mentioned to stimulate adherence. eHealth interventions that found significant effects for weight loss maintenance all applied self-monitoring, feedback, goal setting, and shaping knowledge, combined with a human social support component to support healthy behaviors. Conclusions: To our knowledge, this is the first review examining key BCTs and PSD principles applied in weight loss maintenance interventions compared with those of weight loss interventions. This review identified several techniques and principles applied to stimulate motivation and adherence. Future research should aim to examine which eHealth design combinations can be the most effective in support of long-term behavior change and weight loss maintenance. SN - 1438-8871 UR - //www.mybigtv.com/2019/6/e14265/ UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/14265 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31228174 DO - 10.2196/14265 ID - info:doi/10.2196/14265 ER -