TY - JOUR AU - Leung, Kevin AU - Lu-McLean, Drew AU - Kuziemsky, Craig AU - Booth, Richard G AU - Collins Rossetti, Sarah AU - Borycki, Elizabeth AU - Strudwick, Gillian PY - 2019 DA - 2019/10/8 TI -使用患者和家庭参与策略改善卫生信息技术计划的结果:scope Review JO - J Med Internet Res SP - e14683 VL - 21 IS - 10kw -健康信息技术KW -信息学KW -患者参与KW -医疗信息KW -健康服务AB -背景:世界各地的许多卫生保健组织已经实施了健康信息技术(ITs)来提高卫生服务的效率、有效性和安全性。研究表明,当患者和家庭成员参与并参与这些技术的采用、使用和评估时,可以获得健康IT计划的有希望的结果。尽管知道这一点,但缺乏卫生保健组织使用患者和家庭参与战略来加强卫生ITs的使用和采用。目的:本研究旨在回答以下三个研究问题:(1)目前使用哪些框架或理论来指导患者和家庭参与健康信息技术的采用、使用、实施、选择和评估?(2)在医疗信息技术的采用、使用、实施、选择和评估方面,患者和家庭参与策略已经做了哪些研究?(3)文献中确定的哪些患者和家庭参与框架、研究或资源可应用于医疗IT的采用、使用、实施、选择和评估?方法:本文采用了由Arksey和O 'Malley开发并由Levac等人改编的五步框架。这些步骤包括:(1)确定RQ,(2)确定相关研究,(3)选择研究,(4)绘制相关数据图表,(5)总结并报告结果。检索到的学术文献和灰色文献记录由两名独立审稿人使用基于纳入和排除标准的文献综述软件进行评估。如果没有达成一致意见,两名审查员将通过讨论解决冲突。 Research findings and strategies were extracted from the studies and summarized in data tables. Results: A total of 35 academic articles and 23 gray literature documents met the inclusion criteria. In total, 20 of the 35 included studies have been published since 2017. Frameworks found include the patient engagement framework developed by Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society and the patient and family engagement framework proposed by Carman et al. Effective strategies include providing patients with clear expectations and responsibilities and providing reimbursement for time and travel. The gray literature sources outlined key considerations for planning and supporting engagement initiatives such as providing patients with professional development opportunities, and embedding patients in existing governance structures. Conclusions: Several studies have reported their findings regarding successful strategies to engage patients and family members in health IT initiatives and the positive impact that can emerge when patients and family members are engaged in such initiatives in an effective manner. Currently, no framework has consolidated all of the key strategies and considerations that were found in this review to guide health care organizations when engaging patients and family members in a health IT–specific project or initiative. Further research to evaluate and validate the existing strategies would be of value. SN - 1438-8871 UR - //www.mybigtv.com/2019/10/e14683 UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/14683 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31596241 DO - 10.2196/14683 ID - info:doi/10.2196/14683 ER -