TY - JOUR AU - Gilbert, Mark AU - Salway, Travis AU - Haag, Devon AU - Fairley, Christopher K AU - Wong, Jason AU - Grennan, Troy AU - Uddin, Zhaida AU - Buchner, Christopher S AU - Wong, Tom AU - Krajden, Mel AU - Tyndall, Mark AU - Shoveller, Jean AU - Ogilvie, Gina PY - 2017 DA - 2017/03/20 TI -使用GetCheckedOnline,基于网络的性传播和血液传播感染综合检测服务JO - J Med Internet Res SP - e81 VL - 19 IS - 3kw -互联网KW -性传播疾病KW -诊断测试KW -医疗保健服务KW -卫生服务研究KW -干预研究AB -背景:2014年9月,不列颠哥伦比亚省疾病控制中心在加拿大温哥华实施了基于网络的综合检测服务GetCheckedOnline (GCO)。GCO的目标是增加性传播感染和血液传播感染(STBBIs)检测,覆盖面临检测障碍的高流行人群,并提高临床性传播感染服务能力。GCO通过电子邮件向省级性传播感染诊所客户发出邀请,向无法立即接受诊所检测的客户(延期检测人员)提供访问代码,以及向同性恋、双性恋和其他男男性行为者(MSM)发起宣传活动。目的:研究的目的是报告在这一试点阶段贺卡用户的特点、使用情况和测试结果(总体和推广策略)。方法:我们使用GCO项目数据、网站指标和省级STI诊所记录来描述在实施的前15个月内创建GCO账户的个人的时间趋势、服务路径的进展、人口统计学、风险和测试结果。结果:在创建账户的868名客户中,318名(36.6%)提交了样本,其中96名(30.2%)进行了一次以上的检测,10名(3.1%)的性传播感染诊断呈阳性。在引入延迟测试代码之后,客户提交样本的比例在试点阶段稳步增加。客户在年龄、性别和种族方面是多样化的,尽管年轻人和非白人种族的个人代表不足。在完成风险评估的506例患者中,215例(42.5%)为男同性恋者,89例(17.6%)有症状,47例(9.3%)为性传播感染接触者,232例(45.8%)报告无安全套性行为,146例(28.9%)报告在过去3个月内有≥4名性伴侣,76例(15.0%)报告最近发生性传播感染。 A total of 63 (12.5%) GCO clients were testing for the first time. For 868 accounts created, 337 (38.8%) were by clinic invitations (0 diagnoses), 298 (34.3%) were by deferred testers (6 diagnoses), 194 (22.4%) were by promotional campaign (3 diagnoses), and 39 (4.5%) were by other means (1 diagnosis). Conclusions: Our evaluation suggests that GCO is an acceptable and feasible approach to engage individuals in testing. Use by first-time testers, repeated use, and STI diagnosis of individuals unable to access immediate clinic-based testing suggest GCO may facilitate uptake of STBBI testing and earlier diagnosis. Use by MSM and individuals reporting sexual risk suggests GCO may reach populations with a higher risk of STI. Motivation to test (eg, unable to access clinical services immediately) appears a key factor underlying GCO use. These findings identify areas for refinement of the testing model, further promotion, and future research (including understanding reasons for drop-off through the service pathway and more comprehensive evaluation of effectiveness). Increased uptake and diagnosis corresponding with expansion of the service within British Columbia will permit future evaluation of this service across varying populations and settings. SN - 1438-8871 UR - //www.mybigtv.com/2017/3/e81/ UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.7097 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28320690 DO - 10.2196/jmir.7097 ID - info:doi/10.2196/jmir.7097 ER -