TY - JOUR AU - Carlsson, Tommy AU - Axelsson, Ove PY - 2017 DA - 2017/01/10 TI -药物诱导妊娠中期流产患者信息网站:质量、适宜性和问题的描述性研究JO - J Med Internet Res SP - e8 VL - 19is - 1kw -消费者健康信息KW -人工流产KW -信息素养KW -互联网KW -通俗作品KW -妊娠中期AB -背景:接受药物诱导的中期妊娠流产的患者感到信息不足,并使用网络获取补充信息。然而,有过终止妊娠经历的人如何评价药物诱导中期妊娠流产患者信息网站的质量,是否认为这些网站适合患者,以及他们在使用这些网站时遇到了哪些问题,目前还不清楚。目的:我们的目的是调查药物诱导中期妊娠流产患者信息网站的质量、适用性和存在的问题,以及医疗保健系统附属网站和私人组织网站之间的潜在差异。方法:采用4名有终止妊娠经验的非专业人员作为质量评价对象。使用评估人员报告的搜索词筛选26个系统搜索的前50个搜索结果(N=1300个搜索结果)。在这些点击中,48%(628/1300)是不相关的,51%(667/1300)指向有关药物诱导妊娠中期堕胎的网站。在对重复点击进行校正后,纳入了42个患者信息网站,其中18个隶属于医疗保健系统,24个隶属于私人组织。4位评估员使用DISCERN工具(总分范围16-80)、确保患者质量信息(EQIP)工具(总分范围0-100)以及有关网站适用性和感知问题的问题系统地评估了网站。结果:对DISCERN和EQIP的信度均为0.8,表明评估者之间的信度基本一致。 The total mean score was 36 for DISCERN and 40 for EQIP, indicating poor overall quality. Websites from the health care system had greater total EQIP (45 vs 37, P>.05) and reliability scores (22 vs 20, P>.05). Only 1 website was recommended by all assessors and 57% (24/42) were rated as very unsuitable by at least one assessor. The most reported issues with the websites involved lack of information (76%, 32/42), and poor design (36%, 15/42). Conclusions: The high number of irrelevant hits and poor quality of patient information websites are considerable issues that must be addressed and considered when consulting patients awaiting medically induced second-trimester abortions. In clinical encounters, health professionals should initiate discussions concerning websites about medically induced second-trimester abortions and inform patients about the issues and quality deficits associated with these websites. SN - 1438-8871 UR - //www.mybigtv.com/2017/1/e8/ UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.6380 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28073735 DO - 10.2196/jmir.6380 ID - info:doi/10.2196/jmir.6380 ER -