TY -的AU -帕特尔,Bhavesh AU -约翰斯顿,马克西米利安非盟,Cookson娜塔莉AU -王,多米尼克AU - Arora,声速的非盟- Darzi Ara PY - 2016 DA - 2016/04/06 TI - Interprofessional沟通的临床医生使用手机应用程序:一个随机交叉试验使用模拟病人乔- J地中海互联网Res SP - e79六世- 18 - 4 KW交流KW -手机KW -寻呼机KW -应用KW -应用KW -升级护理KW -模拟AB -背景:大多数医院使用寻呼系统作为主要的通信系统,尽管终端用户普遍不满意。为此,我们开发了一个基于app的交流系统(叫做Hark),以促进和提高人与人之间的交流质量。目的:我们研究的目的是(1)评估使用基于寻呼机和应用程序(Hark)通信系统的信息传输质量,(2)确定使用手机应用程序来升级护理是否会导致额外的通信延迟,以及(3)确定最终用户如何看待手机应用程序作为寻呼机的替代品。方法:我们从一系列专业招募了初级(研究生一年级和二年级)医生和护士,并将他们随机分配到使用寻呼机设备或基于手机的Hark应用程序的两组。我们要求护士传递模拟患者,同时要求医生使用这些设备接收传递信息。记录了信息传递的质量、回复信息所花费的时间以及用户对每台设备的满意度。每个参与者使用这两种设备,两次使用之间有2周的洗脱期。结果:我们招募了22名参与者(13名护士,9名医生)。使用Hark时,护士转诊的质量明显更好(Hark中位数118,范围100-121,传呼机中位数77,范围39-104;P =措施)。 Doctors responded to messages using Hark more quickly than when responding to pagers, although this difference was not statistically significant (Hark mean 86.6 seconds, SD 96.2 versus pager mean 136.5 seconds, SD 201.0; P=.12). Users rated Hark as significantly better on 11 of the 18 criteria of an information transfer device (P<.05) These included “enhances interprofessional efficiency,” “results in less disturbance,” “performed desired functions reliably,” and “allows me to clearly transfer information.” Conclusions: Hark improved the quality of transfer of information about simulated patients and was rated by users as more effective and efficient, and less distracting than pagers. Using this device did not result in delay in patient care. SN - 1438-8871 UR - //www.mybigtv.com/2016/4/e79/ UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.4854 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27052694 DO - 10.2196/jmir.4854 ID - info:doi/10.2196/jmir.4854 ER -