TY -的AU -米勒Jr,大卫·P AU - Latulipe席琳AU -梅里乌,凯瑟琳盟科万特,莎拉盟——Arcury,托马斯PY - 2016 DA - 2016/01/15 TI -初级保健提供者的观点的病人门户:面试的研究认为好处和后果乔- J地中海互联网Res SP - e8六世- 18 - 1 KW -弱势群体KW -个人健康记录KW -初级卫生保健KW -态度AB -背景:美国政府正在鼓励医生采用患者门户——安全的网站,允许患者访问他们的健康信息。患者门户要认识到其全部潜力并改善患者护理,医疗保健提供者对其使用的接受和鼓励将是至关重要的。然而,我们对提供者关心的问题或患者门户的视图知之甚少。目的:我们进行了这项定性研究,以确定在服务于低收入成人人群的实践中,管理人员、诊所工作人员和卫生保健提供者如何看待患者门户网站的潜在利益、关注领域和对未来的希望。方法:我们在2013年10月至2014年6月期间对从北卡罗来纳州四个县的卫生中心招募的20名临床人员进行了深入访谈。训练有素的研究人员按照采访者的指导进行了个别访谈,以引出对患者入口的好处和缺点的看法。采访进行了记录和转录。研究小组成员回顾了主要主题的转录采访,以构建编码词典。然后,两名研究人员对每个文本进行编码,并通过讨论解决编码差异。 Results: The interviews revealed that clinic personnel viewed patient portals as a mandated product that had potential to improve communication and enhance information sharing. However, they expressed many concerns including portals’ potential to generate more work, confuse patients, alienate non-users, and increase health disparities. Clinic personnel expected few older and disadvantaged patients to use a portal. Conclusions: Given that clinic personnel have significant concerns about portals’ unintended consequences, their uptake and impact on care may be limited. Future studies should examine ways portals can be implemented in practices to address providers’ concerns and meet the needs of vulnerable populations. SN - 1438-8871 UR - //www.mybigtv.com/2016/1/e8/ UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.4953 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26772771 DO - 10.2196/jmir.4953 ID - info:doi/10.2196/jmir.4953 ER -