TY -的盟Businelle迈克尔S AU - Ma,平盟——Kendzor达拉E AU -弗兰克,夏天G AU -维德林,达蒙J AU -潮湿,David W PY - 2016 DA - 2016/12/12 TI -生态的戒烟干预:评估可行性和有效性乔- J地中海互联网Res SP - e321六世- 18 - 12 KW -智能手机KW -移动应用KW -戒烟KW -低收入人口AB -背景:尽管美国在降低吸烟率方面取得了重大的公共卫生进展,但社会经济地位低下的成年人吸烟率仍然很高。目的:确定为社会经济弱势吸烟者设计的基于智能手机的新型戒烟应用程序的可行性和初步有效性。方法:参与者从德克萨斯州达拉斯市的一家安全网医院戒烟诊所招募,并被跟踪了13周。所有参与者都接受了标准的戒烟诊所护理(即团体咨询和戒烟药物治疗)和一部装有新型戒烟应用程序(即Smart-T)的智能手机。Smart-T应用程序提示在3周内(即戒烟前1周和戒烟后2周)每天进行5次生态瞬时评估(ema)。在提前期间,EMAs之后是关于计划和准备戒烟尝试的信息。在戒烟后期间,参与者对EMAs的反应驱动了一种算法,该算法根据当前吸烟消退风险水平和当前存在的消退触发因素(例如,吸烟冲动、压力)定制信息。Smart-T按需提供了额外的干预功能(例如,一键进入戒烟热线;关于应对吸烟冲动、情绪和压力的“戒烟小贴士”)。 Results: Participants (N=59) were 52.0 (SD 7.0) years old, 54% (32/59) female, and 53% (31/59) African American, and 70% (40/57) had annual household income less than US $16,000. Participants smoked 20.3 (SD 11.6) cigarettes per day and had been smoking for 31.6 (SD 10.9) years. Twelve weeks after the scheduled quit date, 20% (12/59) of all participants were biochemically confirmed abstinent. Participants responded to 87% of all prompted EMAs and received approximately 102 treatment messages over the 3-week EMA period. Most participants (83%, 49/59) used the on-demand app features. Individuals with greater nicotine dependence and minority race used the Quit Tips feature more than their counterparts. Greater use of the Quit Tips feature was linked to nonabstinence at the 2 (P=.02), 4 (P<.01), and 12 (P=.03) week follow-up visits. Most participants reported that they actually used or implemented the tailored app-generated messages and suggestions (83%, 49/59); the app-generated messages were helpful (97%, 57/59); they would like to use the app in the future if they were to lapse (97%, 57/59); and they would like to refer friends who smoke to use the Smart-T app (85%, 50/59). A minority of participants (15%, 9/59) reported that the number of daily assessments (ie, 5) was “too high.” Conclusions: This novel just-in-time adaptive intervention delivered an intensive intervention (ie, 102 messages over a 3-week period), was well-liked, and was perceived as helpful and useful by socioeconomically disadvantaged adults who were seeking smoking cessation treatment. Smartphone apps may be used to increase treatment exposure and may ultimately reduce tobacco-related health disparities among socioeconomically disadvantaged adults. SN - 1438-8871 UR - //www.mybigtv.com/2016/12/e321/ UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.6058 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27956375 DO - 10.2196/jmir.6058 ID - info:doi/10.2196/jmir.6058 ER -