TY - JOUR AU - Bissonnette-Maheux, Véronique AU - Provencher, Veronique AU - Lapointe, Annie AU - Dugrenier, Marilyn AU - Dumas, Audrée-Anne AU - Pluye, Pierre AU - Straus, Sharon AU - Gagnon, Marie-Pierre AU - Desroches, Sophie PY - 2015 DA - 2015/04/08 TI -探索女性对健康饮食博客的信仰和看法:定性研究JO - J Med Internet Res SP - e87 VL - 17 IS - 4kw -博客KW -健康行为KW -营养KW -定性研究KW -社交媒体KW -知识翻译AB -背景:慢性疾病是全球死亡的主要原因(63%)。一个关键的行为风险因素是不健康的饮食。必须确定和评估改善饮食习惯的新策略。社交媒体,如博客,通过卫生消费者和卫生专业人员之间的互动交流,为改进卫生保健方面的知识翻译提供了一个独特的机会。尽管食品和生活方式博客越来越多,但没有研究致力于了解潜在博客读者对营养师撰写的健康饮食博客的看法。目的:确定女性对于使用由营养师撰写的促进其饮食习惯改善的健康饮食博客的显著信念和看法。方法:我们对生活在魁北克市的女性互联网用户进行了定性研究,QC,地区的次优饮食习惯。首先,这些女性研究了4个由合格营养师用法语撰写的健康饮食博客。在2-4周后的焦点小组中,他们被要求讨论他们的经验和看法。 Focus group participants were grouped by age (18-34, 35-54, and 55-75 years) and by their use of social media (users/nonusers). Using a questionnaire based on the Theory of Planned Behavior, participants were asked to identify salient beliefs underlying their attitudes (advantages/disadvantages), subjective norms (what people important to them would think), and perceptions of control (facilitators/barriers) regarding the use of a healthy eating blog written by a dietitian to improve dietary habits. Discussion groups were audiotaped, transcribed verbatim, coded, and a deductive content analysis was performed independently by 2 individuals using the NVivo software (version 10). Results: All participants (N=33) were Caucasian women aged between 22 to 73 year. Main advantages perceived of using healthy eating blogs written by a dietitian were that they provided useful recipe ideas, improved lifestyle, were a credible source of information, and allowed interaction with a dietitian. Disadvantages included increased time spent on the Internet and guilt if recommendations were not followed. Important people who would approve were family, colleagues, and friends. Important people who could disapprove were family and doctors. Main facilitators were visually attractive blogs, receiving an email notification about new posts, and finding new information on the blog. Main barriers were too much text, advertising on the blog, and lack of time. Conclusions: The women in this study valued the credibility of healthy eating blogs written by dietitians and the contact with dietitians they provided. Identifying salient beliefs underlying women’s perceptions of using such blogs provides an empirically supported basis for the design of knowledge translation interventions to help prevent chronic diseases. SN - 1438-8871 UR - //www.mybigtv.com/2015/4/e87/ UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.3504 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25858777 DO - 10.2196/jmir.3504 ID - info:doi/10.2196/jmir.3504 ER -