TY -非盟的银,米歇尔Pannor PY - 2015 DA - 2015/01/13 TI -病人观点网上健康信息和通信与医生:定性研究的患者50岁和乔- J地中海互联网Res SP - e19六世- 17 - 1 KW -健康传播KW -互联网KW -网上健康信息寻求KW -医患沟通障碍KW - 50岁及以上的成人KW - AB定性研究背景:随着世界各地的医疗保健系统转向强调自我保健管理的模式,患者在网上获取健康信息的压力越来越大。至关重要的是,患者能够识别使用互联网诊断和治疗健康问题的潜在问题,并且他们能够放心地与医生交流他们从互联网上获得的健康信息。目的:我们的目的是检查患者确定的(1)使用互联网识别和治疗健康问题的问题,(2)与医生进行在线健康信息搜索的障碍,以及(3)与医生进行患者在互联网上搜索健康信息的沟通的促进因素。方法:在本定性探索性研究中,对56名50岁及以上的成年人进行半结构化访谈。研究人员根据参与者是否曾与医生讨论过通过互联网获得的健康信息,分别调查了他们对使用互联网诊断和治疗健康问题的普遍担忧。采用专题分析的方法,对患者与医生在网上搜索健康信息时沟通障碍和沟通促进因素的讨论进行分析。结果:出现了6个更高层次的普遍担忧:(1)自身能力的限制,(2)网络信息的可信度/局限性,(3)焦虑,(4)时间消耗,(5)冲突,(6)非身体伤害。在与医生进行在线健康信息交流的参与者中,最普遍的担忧与在线信息的可信度或局限性有关。从未与医生交流过在线健康信息的参与者最常报告对非身体伤害的担忧。 Four barriers to communication emerged: (1) concerns about embarrassment, (2) concerns that the doctor doesn’t want to hear about it, (3) belief that there is no need to bring it up, and (4) forgetting to bring it up. Facilitators of communication included: (1) having a family member present at doctor visits, (2) doctor-initiated inquiries, and (3) encountering an advertisement that suggested talking with a doctor. Conclusions: Overall, participants displayed awareness of potential problems related to online health information seeking. Findings from this study point to a set of barriers as well as facilitators of communication about online health information seeking between patients and doctors. This study highlights the need for enhanced patient communication skills, eHealth literacy assessments that are accompanied by targeted resources pointing individuals to high-quality credible online health information, and the need to remind patients of the importance of consulting a medical professional when they use online health resources to diagnose and treat a health issue. SN - 1438-8871 UR - //www.mybigtv.com/2015/1/e19/ UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.3588 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25586865 DO - 10.2196/jmir.3588 ID - info:doi/10.2196/jmir.3588 ER -